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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by noahchris

  1. i know, i know but stick to the topic
  2. WTF whe all where offline and when whe came back all our stuff was GONE ALL THE TNT ARMOR SWORDS AND DIAMONDS ARE GONE!!!!!! Pls help us because this really sucks. ' PS no hater comments
  3. what about xxexplosionzzxx?
  4. XxexplosionzzxX and nomis1004 are banned for no reason because someone offerd them a x ray link and now they are banned. But the one that should be banned is the person who send this link to them,
  5. ty soooo much!
  6. i had it on 1.7.3 bitch, thats why i know this shit! Im like the only guy that doesn't use the client, because i don't like to get banned!
  7. This user has bin kicked from the server because his little brother was hitting "t" and "enter" all the time the he was kicked for spamming! pls unband TW_PwNr11
  8. (infinity or epsilon client)
  9. lol you can see you hack yourself, because when you hit esc you can see that you have an reconnect button
  10. Banning Atruminer!

    1. Sacrevy


      Banning your mom!

    2. Dr.Minky


      Banning, GABE NEWELL!

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