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Mr. Green Gaming

General Cow

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Everything posted by General Cow

  1. We should ban you for being an overreacting kid. Were are the good old days without you people? Man, I was getting trolled, I known I am being a idiot overreacting kid, but seriosly I don´t known how to react when getting trolled.
  2. All right... I understand, I get trolled, go anger on the forums and stuffs goes worst for me...
  3. *sigh* Yeah... there goes my last hope.
  4. Okay, I will get started these guys were provoking me with insults and making the zombies considering me as the main target, encouraging all the time such as changing the title from him in the game to "let's eat cow". I dont known who is who, but one of those two were the one that was making me crazy, the other was helping him giving him my position away as human, WHAT IS NOT COOL. They kept changing their steam so IDK who is who, I will just give the links to steam of both http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198023377206/ http://steamcommunity.com/id/mthorin/ By the way, this was the reaction of one when I said I was going to report. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198021376206/screenshot/649871686543592378?tab=public'>http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198021376206/screenshot/649871686543592378?tab=public He left me for dead, tryed to kill me, blocked my passage, all while we were both humans and on many maps. I really wish that you guys from Mr. Green staff could do something about this. My steam in case you need to contact me: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198021376206 - General Cow
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