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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by chrisje

  1. oh thank you soo much :3
  2. corby can u pleas unban me (xxexplosionzzxx) i cant wait to play again! thanks
  3. dear corby the name is XxexplosionzzxX
  4. storm je kan ook nl praten ik ben ruben but okay read my other topic
  5. dear clavus or corby corby says: xxexplosionzzxx is unbanned and he tried to login but he is still banned.... why is this?
  6. okay thank u very much clavus you say he is unbanned but he is still banned.. plz awnser i mean corby srry
  7. Ok I understand and will inform our son! Thank you
  8. Dear Clavus Is there any way I can contact you directly? I assume you do have my private email. Thanks Chrisje Simon
  9. Dear Rinkana, It's believe instead of belive! :-) And I am really his mother what kind of proof would convince you? Kind Regards, Chrisje Simon
  10. Dear Mr. Corby I am writing you this email on behalf of my son named nomis1004 who is banned from minecraft.nl for using xray cheat. He is really sorry and has promised us that he now understand that he made a mistake and will never do it again. If he does it again we fully understand that you ban him again. For now we would realy appreciate it if you can unban him from the game. Yours respectfully Chrisje Simon (mother of nomis1004)
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