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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by alwTaint3d

  1. Oh man, Its been awhile. Just checking in lol. I was hoping that mr greens had a gta5 server. Seems to be super popular right now. Gonna start racing again in that.
  2. Me too
  3. Are you kidding? There are 3 maps that are identical.. This one is totaly not Identical to those.. This one has car changes nos and other stuff.. Why dont you take out one of the the identical ones and put my map up instead? Cause the hotrings are among the most played maps on the server. Everyone loves them.
  4. Well im starting to make some maps again.. Finally the mta map editor bug is gone on my pc.. (no idea what was wrong) But anyways let me know what ya'll think. 15laptaintedring.zip
  5. im using 1.0.4........ the 1.1 and up is not going to work for me for whatever reason then... ok ill try and redo the cp's. ugh
  6. wtf there are 40 cp's! I tryed to test it but when i ran thru it it wouldnt detect the cp's i made. what am i doing wrong here... Is there soemthign i need to do to finish it? Ever since 1.1 i havnt been able to build a map that works, it just messes up... the first cp is by the tunnel were u can jump off the cliff onto the san feiras airport... just look in the tunnel and ull see everything is 100% ready to go all cps in place all 32 cars in place...
  7. Hello, well i made a new map... So lets test her out. one thing that i couldnt figure out, is i wanted this song thats in the file to be apart of the map. can bin or sdk tell me how to add songs, and put this one in this map. thnx Dumps Like a Truck.zip
  8. Taint3d Hoe down beta 2.zip Hoe Down beta 1.34.zip Taint3d Hoe down beta 2.zip
  9. Taint3d Hoe down.zip thats the way twists is sposta be. and i know its bugged, and every time i try to do anything with that map it locks up on me and i gota restart the game... thats why i was wondering if i could get some help with the fix on that? You can do whatever u want to add on to it if you like. but i thought just a 1 cp. see who gets there first would be fun! and taint3d hoe down i think this is the right one... i had like 8 diff hoe downs. they were all the same but cp's kept disappearing.. all kinds of wacky stuff... dont know why the editor is all scrwed up, might be cause of windows 7 64? Try em out fix em. edit add delete whatever idc. lol sorry just dont have the time right at the moment to do anything with these, and tic keeps askin me to put them on.. but im sure ull love hoedown!
  10. Ya i figured out how its happening... i tryed afew things and was able to make myself gm for awhile.. but it does turnoff after a bit. ill tell ya bout it tic.
  11. Taint3d Hoe down beta 2.zip Taint3d twists.zip
  12. I made 2 maps. but something keeps gettn messed up and i can never test the maps.. it screws up the cp's or locks up the game when i try this.. so the 2 maps that iv had sittn around for awhile needs to be tested and or fixed in afew parts.. who can i send the maps too..? Bin???
  13. see the thing is. i get way out front and com to a part that u have to go up a jump or something of that nature and he will be wating and aim right for me... its not that part of tryin to get outa his way its the part of him tryn to get in my way for no reason what so ever. it is just a game. but i play to win and to set top times... i dont play to crash people... I know ramming happens and i have no problem with that. but when someone does it over and over and over again it makes the game not so much fun... its just like if you are playing a fps and your own teammate keeps killing you over and over.. how muchfun would that be?
  14. Ok, ill keep my fraps running then.. cause seriously he does it all the time... i mean every time i play hes tryn to block me.. So ill get ya the proof.
  15. Ok iv totaly had it with this guy... Whenever there is no admin on this guy just goes to places were u have to drive thru something and blocks it... He was told by binslayer and jugger to stop ramming/blocking and such... But he just keeps doing it over and over... He needs to be banned, maybe not forgood but for a week or so, just to show he cant be doing this stuff.. Please get this done... and its Jap, not assessin*Jap Thanks
  16. can someone get the server up and running PAHLEAZE Its always down this sucks!!!
  17. alwTaint3d


    [KLO]Cloud is a speed hacker... hes been on for hours and we need an admin to ban him... Thanks -ALW- Tainted !
  18. Hey guys iv been gone/busy for the past week and i just got on tonight and its saying im banned??? um how come?
  19. Me well im new around here. My name is Taint3d or Taint3dBulge depending on the game i play. Games are Crysis Wars Call of Duty World at War Grand theft auto 4 Multi Theft Auto Very little unreal tournament 99/2k4 (yes im old) and 99 is still best FPS ever! AMD 940 BLACK EDITION RUNNING AT 3.8GHZ ASUS M2N32 SLI DELUXE (590AMD SLI) OCZ SLI DDR2 RUNNING AT 1000MHZ 2 GIGS WORTH. YES I KNOW I NEED MORE WESTERN DIGITAL RAPTOR X2 IN RAID 0 SEAGATE 500GIG BFG 650 POWER SUPPLY 2 BFG 8800GT'S RUNNING 700 1753 1000 ONBOARD SOUND RUNNING WINDOWS XP 32BIT PRO SERVICE PACK 3 WINDOWS 7 64BIT ULTIMATE STEVE BALLMER SIGNATURE ADDITION. FUTURE UPGRADE'S NVIDIA 380GTX/8800GT FOR PHYSIX A 980A MOTHERBOARD. 8 GIGS OF MEMORY POSSIBLY DDR3 DEPENDING ON THE MOTHERBOARD.
  20. I just saw that i was declined because im not active on the forums. Im not a forum type of person... Sorry i like to play the game and make it fun for myself and everyone else that is playing... If im declined for the reason of not posting then so be it... No hard feelings kinda sucks that mr.greens is managed this way...
  21. alwTaint3d


    Ok guys i lost the alw tag when can i start?
  22. ok i will remove my alw as soon as you guys give me the go ahead with admin. Every time im on we need one so just let me know thanx!
  23. Well to tell ya the truth ALW mta is dead. but if u want me to remove the clan tag i can..??
  24. I play around 9pm central till 3am most friday and saturday nights me and my buddy -]alw[-TicToc... he comes over and we drink a case of beer and goo from being 1st and 2nd on there to like last lol! Oh also we play for awhile but as soon as hackors some in we go to SiK server alot too.... but Greens is my fav.
  25. AH Ya i read it, sorry forgot to add my age Im 28 I dont use steam if that matters ill make a profile I live in the state of South Dakota, in USofA Im a video/photography producer for a major car company. that has Mercedes BMW Honda Acura Mitsubishi Ford Chevy and Subaru.. Im a total computer nut always trying to learn something new. Also im a over clocking freak. Always tinkering there. I like rc cars. I have a traxxas jato 3.3 does about 65mph .... Um i could go on and on but dont want to bore you guys. Also id see myself fit to be an admin because Iv had afew years experience and am very respected in the MTA community.. many other clans know me, of course alw along with sik and drug are the other main servers i play on along with yours. As i said in the other post i want to help clean up the server so its fun for everyone... The maps the people are great but afew ruin it for everyone... So I really want to help... Thanks guys Chris aka Taint3d
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