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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Galaxy

  1. This is a screenshot of daniel656 saying that he has xray to find my stuff that i lost while suffocating. There is meant to be a pic that i chose...
  2. Galaxy

    daniel656 ban

    Sorry But Dont Worry About this it was an accident.
  3. Seriously everyone thank you so much! hopefully maybe someday Clavus will accept my application for me being admin, if he doesnt accept it oh well I could try in a few months.
  4. Thanks Mr Dark!
  5. My Application For Admin On The Minecraft Server: About Me: My name is Jack Page. I am 16 years old. I live in Queensland, Australia. I have been playing minecraft since alpha was out. I go on minecraft every day and most of those days I am on this server. Experience: I have been admin on a server called CandaceCraft from 1.7.3 untill 1.8.1 when it shut down. I owned a server called ~GalaxyCraft back in 1.6 untill 1.8 Why I would make a good admin: I could help reduce the number of xrayers on the server. I will be fair to other players, ex. Fighting in PVP I would not have gamemode on. I would not spawn items for other players who ask for it. More Information: Minecraft.nl is my favourite server and I would like to improve the server in many ways . I play on minecraft.nl each day for probably 1-2 hours and I would usally come back on later. Contact: Steam: minecraftgalaxy Youtube: CODDoMiNaToR177 Kind Regards, Jack.
  6. Thanks Guys For all the support!!
  7. Galaxy's Admin Application. About Me: I am 16 years old. I live in Queensland, Australia. I have played minecraft since alpha was out. I started playing on this server about 5 months ago and I know most of the people on the server. Experience: I have been admin on a server called CandaceCraft which was in 1.8 I used to own my own minecraft server back in 1.6 untill 1.7.3 Why I would be a good admin: I dont abuse power as others might do it, however I like to be fair to other players. More Info: I also really like this server and if I do become admin I promise I will make sure there are less hackers on the server than there is now. Contact: Skype: galaxy.dominator Youtube: CODDoMiNaToR177 Steam: galaxyphoenix Regards, Jack.
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