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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Denby

  1. i dont seem to be able to connect ignore that, im in
  2. Nice job with your exams Kod! and the server
  3. 1. MC Username --> ldenby 2. Are you willing to help out gather materials and build initial buildings for the spawn area? --> Yes in my free time 3. Do you agree to abide by the rules? (see below) --> I do abide by the rules. 4. After the whitelist is removed, will you be a contributing community member? (ie. Be active, don't be toxic) --> I intend to be a community member as i was on the other server. 5. What do you plan to do on the survival server in the long run? --> Help build bases, infrastructures etc. Also to be a helpful member of the server. --> You guys know who I am
  4. Denby

    Alternative Server

    cool sounds good
  5. Denby

    Alternative Server

    I've been thinking, as a side part to the server can we have capture the flag. I think it's a great game on minecraft and would love to play it with you guys. You could even set up the permissions correctly so some members could build new areas a day stuff. I think it would be great :-P what you guys think?
  6. Denby

    Alternative Server

    I'm interested too! I miss you guys
  7. Denby

    Alternative Server

    anyway.... when is this server opening? i'd be interested to see my minecraft mates on it
  8. So is this perminant or just for now until new updates come out? :3 Sure I can see me! yeah thats an amazing picture :DD
  9. thank you everybody <3
  10. Denby

    Broken Spawn.

    good point, ive been thinking this myself. Good suggestion!
  11. Denby

    Broken Spawn.

  12. Denby

    Broken Spawn.

    Ok server is now online. thanks Bulmung
  13. Denby

    Broken Spawn.

    see this is what i mean, the head admin should be telling us and expecially you guys whats going on.... ahh bulmung, thanks for your reply and for fixing it hmm still cant connect though Bulmung :S
  14. Denby

    Broken Spawn.

    see this is what i mean, the head admin should be telling us and expecially you guys whats going on.... ahh bulmung, thanks for your reply and for fixing it
  15. Denby

    Broken Spawn.

    Yeah, why is the server offline? I wanna play.
  16. good luck Jill!
  17. Well i think most of the factions players would agree that this isnt what any of us want. this server was built on Factions and to remove the core from the server means players will no longer be interested, they will just leave to another server. I have been on this server for a long while now and i would be sad to see everyone including myself leaving because someone has big ideas. If you want to impliment such drastic ideas, ask people before or launch another server with the new changes on and do a trial run, then see how it works out. Also i agree with jill in that this server has a good player base which is already being damaged by head admins not fixing server issues etc. The server admins do a great job being active and always being available to help any player. Its just being let down by head admins not doing their job. I sound like im having a go at the head admin team here which in a way i am as i want this server to be supported by others. The players are doing their job keeping it active and loyal to the server, the server admins are being as helpful and active as possible to make the server experience better, its just you guys on the top rung not bothering with it. But i dont mean to sound like im having a go, i just want this server to be supported from the top so then it will be great again. anyway, they are my feelings on the server issues. Reply to me as we need to make this about the community Thanks guys
  18. Denby


    ok, thank you redgander, good to see you're on the issue
  19. Denby


    Also admins, the whole server is currently offline. Can this be fixed please?
  20. But yes. Currently setting up the new map. Dynmap is almost fully rendered, in stunning HD! (take a look at the isometric view). Going to work on most other stuff tomorrow. I have just viewed the dynmap in stunning HD like you say and yeah this map looks good. I like the spawn so far. Keep up the good work Kodauer and other admins!
  21. Ok great, thank you Kodauer
  22. OK, personally I think that sounds good. what about those snowball markers, keeping them?, removing them? or altering them so they dont work on others faction land? I totally agree that the main purpose of a factions server is to take part in PVP but i still think compromising for builders is also something to be looking at. Thanks for your replies Kod and others! Much appreciated.
  23. Hmm yeah I need to try the survival server out. Can I be white listed for that? I cant really comment on that server as i haven't been on it, but i cant imagine it is the same as the faction wars theme which I enjoy working as a team and defending our base etc.
  24. I'm all up for trying something new so I am happy with tweaks to the server to make the game more interesting. However one thing I really don't like is the snowball marker system. I believe they should not work on other factions land, as this means people who take pride in creating a base and enjoy the building element of the game have to turn their base upside down to try and remove a marker, which someone has placed when it has been raided. Protecting your base is now inevitable due to the other changes such as water not protecting the base. This comes to my next point which is the water not protecting bases. When this is set everyone will just be building square monstrosities out of obsidian as that is going to be set back to invincible. This again obstructs the building element of the game as we wont get a variety of materials being used in the construction of bases unless people are happy to be raided... This means this map is going to be very ugly. I personally feel these changes are very much interfering with the creative side of the game which although this is a PVP server, the main purpose of the game is to let peoples creativity run wild and these suggested changes are making it extremely hard if not virtually impossible. I come on this server because I enjoy the community and I like the idea of building a base so it is safe from all the threats there are on this type of server. To get back onto topic, my main suggestion would be to only let people use markers on their own faction land, wilderness and spawn as i feel they are a valuable and controlled tool for moving around the map. I don't think there is any need for people to be marking inside anyone else's base though, think that is a step too far. If they can mark and teleport to the nearest part of the wilderness next to someones faction land, I believe that is a better compromise. Thank you Mr Green Admins for allowing me to voice my opinion on the server changes. I would like to know how many people agree and disagree with me as it is something I am interested in and also that's what these forums are all about! Thanks again and don't forget to tell me what you think! Denby
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