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Mr. Green Gaming


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  1. Upvote
    bnas reacted to Braindawg in Zombie Survival: Official Suggestions Topic   
    Geez none of you can take some constructive criticism can you 
    Mogadon brought up a good point, either bring back the old gamemode entirely (Not Recommended) or make something new.  Smashing in shit from the old gamemode isn't gonna work.  
    Deluvas ZS is dead, it's a sweet memory and it's a fun memory, but it's dead.  Work on what you have now and stop trying to rebuild memories because all you're doing is shitting on those good memories.  G4K was good yeah but you fucking broke it, HUD is broken, weapons are broken, all of it is broken all in an attempt to bring the old ZS back instead of moving forward.  Why don't you work on the one big unified class thing like when Necro was coding, or how about maybe try to balance weapons and worry about making the gamemode fucking playable before you throw shit in like new weapons and new bosses and new maps and blah blah blah bullshit bullshit bullshit.
    Get over the past,someone else maybe can try to recreate those memories with an entirely new gamemode but Mr Green should be moving forward to a new and improved future.  Something just as enjoyable/even more enjoyable then the past gamemode the Deluvas made.  Work on making the gamemode better, not pushing it backwards. 
  2. Upvote
    bnas reacted to mogadonskoda in Zombie Survival: Official Suggestions Topic   
    If you are trying to prevent regular "tanks" you are going to fuck up. How can you possibly have a game where no one has an advantage from playing more, without out it being not based on skill. Any vaguely skill based game will have people who are good at it and some who aren't. No matter what system you use, the ones who play more and have more experience will do better and will be harder to kill and will win more. ANYONE can become a regular all you have to do is play on the damn server for a bit until you get used to the game then you too will be just as good. I dont understand how you would make a ZS where new players can do just as well as someone who has played for years, it wont happen, new players will always be worse. Just think about it....
    If that is what you guys have been focusing your "new" ZS on, then no wonder why they are crap. People who are good at a game will always do better than ones who have never played before unless its a game based on luck, which this is not.
    And if you really wanted to make it fair, there would be no levels anyway. How will new players compare to someone who is full level with better stuff with more utility. The idea makes no sense for what you want to achieve.
    Also, the Deluvas class system worked, it was unbalanced as fuck, but it worked, and it was fucking fun playing that ZS, because the zombies where just as unbalanced and survival depended on the map, not the gamemode.
  3. Upvote
    bnas reacted to mogadonskoda in Zombie Survival: Official Suggestions Topic   
    You mean its going to vaguely dictate where the gamemode is going but then in the end it will just turn out to be badly implemently like 90% of the things currently in ZS because of your inability to actually implement anything like it was done before. (You just seem to edit everything with random crappy ideas which ruins them, such as your Last stand idea earlier.)
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