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It sounds like it could be your BIOS/Motherboard or possibly memory, but unlikely as that would show a POST error. Have you plugged in all the power cords for your GTX 470? Yes i even went out and bought a new power supply, it boots on my old intel pci-e card but it is next to useless. I've had to send the graphics card back and it'l be about 3 months before i can get a refund (ebay). It has been over a year that various bits have arrived dead and i've had to wait a long time for refunds already. I might just throw the sodding thing away all it's done is waste money and time. My current PC still works
the card cost me close to £1000, yeh it was 10 years ago. I am building a new system, well i have a new system but i can't get it to work. Thought it was the graphics card so i got a gtx 470 but it still won't boot (black screen, sometimes it POST's but nothing shows up on the screen
STFU with old/new version, the new version is better i'm not on about the old version (although it was good for it's time) I'm on about the latest update on the new version. And hark at you with your GeForces and ATI's, i still have my trusty Voodoo 5500 128MB Vram, 512MB SDRam , Pentium 4 900Mhz Processor, Sound Blaster 16. Its worked since 2001, it'l work a few more weeks til i can afford to upgrade it a bit I'm playing on Mr.Green servers since November/December 2007. So Why not make the !stuck command disable collisions for the current props/entities (zombies) you are stuck in, the !stuck command will not work if you are stuck in bsp geometry
You can turn off the shacking, you do need to edit some lua files though, i've had to as my game either freezes the PC or i get less than 1fps when those horrible full screen effects are happening. Also may i ask who thought it'd be a good idea to remove the screen you see at the end of the game, and remove the hp display
Yeh you slow down, then you stop and are stuck there
It's really grinding on quite a few players now, we are fed up with getting stage fright when near a zombie. when ever any type of zombie is near the human closest will just freeze, and get stuck then start floor glitching, then die. As a zombie it is far to easy to kill humans, all you have to do is walk into them and they are stuck, in other words easy lunch. It is mighty frustrating running from a hord of zombies, and then all of a sudden you stop and cant move, then get killed. Bill "OH SHI- RUN!!!" Coach "I CAN'T I'M STUCK, I'M TRAPPED BY SUPERNATURAL FORCES AND I AM NOW ZOMBIE FOOD" I constantly see players raging because there stuck, and seeing zombies with scores above 25 - 30. basically PLEASE can you fix this bug, also somethings changed with how kills are worked out. Example: player who's afk, or at the other side of the map is just minding his own business, I'm there shooting another zombie using most of my bullets (i'm right infront of this zombie, and the zombie is afk), and the player at the other side of the map who is also AFK gets the kill along with some random, and I've just wasted all my ammo, Please put it back to what it was before.
OK, could you fix the random selection glitch though, i've seen quite a few players ragequit over it, and i prefer to play on a busy server. it's easy to fix just make it so you cannot be chosen twice in a row
Random zombie selection not random Since the latest updates i have noticed that EVERY SINGLE round i get "chosen" to be zombie, i counted 17 rounds the other day, thinking it was just a temporary glitch i returned today, only to be made zombie again 4 times in a row. The other day the ZS server had 25 players on it, today only 15, both times every single round it's happened. This has kind of ruined the game a bit, i have noticed the selection isn't random as the other poor guy was always chosen as well. An easy fix would be to make sure players don't get chosen 2 times in a row. Weapon upgrades Not so much a bug but more an annoyence is when you start with the round with the Magnum after the first or second create drop (or number of kills) your weapon gets "upgraded" to a pistol type gun, can we have this how it used to be where magnum would come above a pistol. Balencing It seems that the zombies always win since the update has made it so you can't shoot through the other players, maybe make it so the zombies get more hp nearer the end of the round or if the system detects a noob cluster.
OK yeh that would help quite a bit when my ping sits at its usual 289 - 330, it is SOOO frustrating getting randomly kicked, especially if your a human and doing really well. Also when the server is quite i see people coming on then getting kicked 10 minutes later. could we try it at 350, and if its to slow bring it down to 300. I do play this server a lot, and have played it loooooaaaads in the past, think i've been a player here for 3 - 4 years now, on and off like. 500? where the hell do you live?? You do know this is a european server? Crossgreen, Leeds, England LS9. otherwise known as dialup county
yeh the ping needs to get raised to at least 600, I've had a constant ping of 500 and I can still play (without lagging to badly) on a very busy TTT server. things start getting a bit flaky at around 750 - 800 I guess no one here remembers the early days of quake, and the term LPB's?
Everyone i know locally uses dialup (it's all that's available), i know loads of people on it away from Leeds also. There are some places the government just doesn't give a shit about
yeh but he most likely doesn't live in a failing town
I wish lol i can't download things, they never finish. like in firefox it gets to about 1 or 2% then completes and is corrupt, i get 50 - 75% packet loss
I live in North Yorkshire in the middle of no-where, we use broadband, and my internet is fine, but we have a bad telephone exchange which can raise my ping. Want my solution? 1. wait a while until the gorvernment rolls out a fibre optic circuit round the UK (which they might be going to do) 2. Get off dial-up, if you use it for gaming then...why? 3. I do support people coming in from different countries to play in one server, equality n' all that. But if there is an australian server available, go dere. I like criticism, so flame on! I live in the cross Green area of Leeds and am told that we can't get broadband here, the uk is kind of going down the shitter to be honest
A lot of ZS players in the UK and Australia can't play any more as we constantly get kicked because our pings are always higher than 250. My ping is between 200 - 900 depending on what time of day it is, a lot of UK players are still on dialup because the internet in this country sux and broadband isn't always readily available, where i live it would cost around £20,000 to get the lines installed, and even then we would only get 100 - 200kb/s, we basically have to play as zombie as we get kicked every 10 minuites and when we rejoin we are zombie