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Mr. Green Gaming


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  1. I am not dead.
  2. I can't imagine it would be all that hard to code a script that forced gm on people who are not meeting a minimum frames per second level. Then the people won't be kicked AND they won't be warping all over the place.
  3. Sounds like a great idea puf. Them not having the right fps is punishing us. Maybe it will spur those too young to have a job to get one and upgrade some hardware.
  4. I am sure there is a way to fix that ywa. I might be able to come up with something. I kinda like the idea but it would put me (ping 125) with the bad pingers. What I would love to see would be a ghostmode mod that would only allow say the top 10 to 15 to not have ghostmode and the rest to be in forced ghostmode. This would allow them the opportunity to learn to drive and not fuck up everyone else's race. This method could also possibly work with those people with bad ping. Force ghostmode with ping above a set number.
  5. Your fine Tuco. At least in my book.
  6. Hey bin? Your mother let you out of the basement? You must have been real good.
  7. Ben Franklin would have loved you dogshit if you had been around during his quest to harness electricity.
  8. It could be a lot of things that cause that. It looks like it might be the hard drive. First thing you should do if the computer won't boot is remove the cmos battery. That will reset the bios and see if it will post from there. Let me know what happens after you do that. Because then you are going to have to start testing components to see if any of them failed. Good Luck!
  9. You have amazing boobs mosh.
  10. Bandit's don't post their likeness on the internet. Interpol would be able to identify them much easier.
  11. hmmmm. Me and the woman. We is real.
  12. Thanks warp. I have a feeling that it is always the same trolls causing problems. I know that it is annoying to have to deal with things like this and I appreciate you looking into the matter. Le Tic
  13. Someone joined today, just a few minutes ago, named -]alw[-DickHead from France. No idea who it is. My first though was it might be pondf1ller but this guy can't drive for shit. Why do people insist on putting clan tags on that are not in the clan? Do people hate us that much? I did report him as well. Thanks admin team for looking into this. Le Tic
  14. catering to the lowest standards possible probably alienates more people than it gains. That sounds just like America!
  15. It was way smoother at 60fps. But as someone mentioned earlier its not the fps CAP that causes the problems, it is the people who are on with 5 to 20fps that get in everyone's way. Even the people who are still learning how to drive. What would be lovely is a way to auto kick people who are not at say a minimum fps of about 30. And how many fps you are at DOES matter. Ask redline. He used to be at 46fps all the time even though the server is capped at 45. Straight lines in an infernus...full speed, he would pull out in front of everyone. So just 1 fps does matter.
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