HI.. I've on more than one occation felt the need for an admin/moderator on the server.. I play on PL. green server all the time and its often days and weeks before i see anyone in control beeing on the server. Beeing it foul language, rasism and sexism.. Grieving behaviour and even cheaters/hackers.. An admin/moderator present more often would definitly contribute to, and prevent the happening of such things as beforementioned.. Who you want to give this responsibility is not my call, but it should be done.. And as for Mif, he is a regular on the server, playing there alot.. Have yet to see any bad behaviour from him, both gameplay wise and mic wise.. So in my opinion he is quite mature for his age.. His sense of right and wrong, and his english capabilities are good enough to know when rules are beeing violated, that is more important than speaking perfect english.. Leigh King Dick