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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by waterpyro

  1. Hey guys I need some store names for abanoned mall, I was thinking of blockbuster but i am not sure if it fit in. let me know what store you wanna see
  2. here is my current project check out the wip is a house with 4 floor include 1,2 basement n attic. no furniture yet just layout. i willl add furn soon. using the light_spot entity vs light looks alot better. lightning isn't final either. might do night time sky
  3. id see why not there are rooms inside the map and some vent etc.
  4. is it on the server?
  5. [Change Log] [Added] Skyline for pool [Added] Infant pool [Added] 2 special design vents for 2 zombie spawns [Fixed] LONG hallway by making 2 openings [Fixed] bathrooms in basement About the map: 2 Floors, lots of ammenties, pretty spacious, 70+ player spawns for zs. Lots of custom textures let me know if any come up checkered. I tested it myself and couldn't find any but sometimes people slip up.. There is one vent couple of rooms, I was running out room so I couldnt make alot of gym based exercise machines due to hammer maxing out with the number of brushes..and I don't know how to use propper or else that would have eliminated that part. So Enjoy the map let me know whats wrong what you like and dislike etc.. This is important I believe most players will get it but most doors are attached with a hinge entity if players get stuck or get through they can shoot the door all doors are breakable!!!! 50-100hp Download Link Below http://gamebanana.com/gmod/maps/166129
  6. This is a wip of a NYSC or a gym based map I'm not sure what I should do with the texture in some pics..by that I mean if you look at the basketball court I have 2 different color of floor textures which one seems more ideal.. this applies with all pictures LIGHTING IS NOT FINAL AT ALL just for ingame purposes This gym has 2 floor this is only 1st floor
  7. Convert From Zm, This was one of my old maps Office setting 2 things to know about this map, there are 3 buttons in the map they all function for some purpose button one behind security desk turns off lights on the 1st floor only button two behind stacked crates on first floor turns back on lights for 1st floor button 3 second floor closes gates for some areas Download Links http://www.gamebanana.com/gmod/maps/165215
  8. thanks for the info def look into a fix about the door, all doors are breakable so even if u block it with a prop u can break it
  9. yes download is above enjoy
  10. V2 -made the house look less boxy and more round outside -made all physbox props super lightweight so user can pick up anything - added basement -fixed brush displacement -night only for now day stilll has 2 compile -removed 89% of half life 2 props to make my own props Family guy Day OR NIGHT you pick anyways this is something new that you can add to the server since no maps haven't really been coming onto it. Notes: This map is accurate as it could possible be, since its a cartoon room dimesions are always changing, and not only that but so are the colors and so forth. Here the the map you pick what verison you want to play day or night one, I think the night looks better but I leave the choice up 2 you I will say this once more, to actually depict the cartoon house of family guy the rooms upstairs would be nearly impossible to match the floor downstairs... i didn't have enough room to make meg's room so she has a closet only Props: were very hard to Incorporated to make it still family guy and what not..so most of the brushes, or tables are physbox which are moveable and nailable. Issues? let me know Download Links http://www.gamebanana.com/gmod/maps/165211 zs_familyguy_day_v2 or night.rar
  11. hello all, im looking for new ways to fix the map or make it better buy adding stores or better things overall, I'm taking suggestion or even mappers stores.. if you know how to map and is interest in making your own personal store, much be detailed then let me know.. suggestion can include: store names, stores to placed in the mall, current room upgrades etc.. lastly always looking for player suggestions to make the map better, if you like it! thanks again waterpyro
  12. V5 FIX [Removed] Shoprite doors [Added] Parking Lot near movies [Added] opening for new zombie spawn inside shoprite warehouse [fixed] some missing textures -------------------------------------------- Whats New In Verizon V4? [Added] More Props to make other rooms in the mall barricadable [Fixed] Some spawns regarding zombies and humans [ADDED] New building near bestbuy -------------------------------------------\ V5 is here and heres the change log [Added] Shoprite Supermarket [Removed] some func_breakable glass's or increased health for some such as wachovia [Fixed] most stores by adding more props and making more like the store [added] sleepys store in beta though not done [added] more store names to help identify store such as security office has the name security [added] more logos around the mall [added] a bar called bar xyz near arby [added] more sky lighting right above bestbuy link is below http://www.gamebanana.com/gmod/maps/163140 ------------------------------------------------------------\ Universal Map: Can be used as RP if user desires, Random building map,zombie map or whatever you desire ---------------------------------\ Whats In V5b New Building added Bar More Props added to different stores to give it custom real life store feel Apple Store updated sligtly Bestbuy store lights updated and props More Ads and some overhall to the right side Link is below Check above -------------------------------------\ Whats in plan for the future? Im thinking of adding a bar, another name brand store maybe a random store name "Junk 4 You" --Possibly make it RP map for rp players --Also taking suggestions for other stores or anything regarding map ------------------------------------------------\ Lots more, please upload this version to your server instead of v3, Download Links http://www.gamefront.com/files/21231367/zs_abandoned_mall_v4.rar http://www.gamebanana.com/zombiesurvival/maps/163140 Pictures Video Old Map What it used to be
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