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Mr. Green Gaming


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  1. I got kicked by the server. When i logged on it said i died. also i got in a fight at spawn and found a rangehacker.
  2. dan101iel


    Y is server offline
  3. dan101iel


    Why is minecraft server offline
  4. dan101iel


    yay 1.3.1 is here but i cant get on 4 some reason If the admins are making furnace towers i will get mad furnaces are important
  5. dan101iel

    Bad idea

    cant w8 4 reset
  6. dan101iel

    Bad idea

    never heard of it
  7. dan101iel

    Bad idea

    now u know y every1 left the server befoer we had 70 people on at peaks now we are lucky to hit 20
  8. dan101iel

    Bad idea

    i have no idea
  9. dan101iel

    Bad idea

    Bad Admin
  10. dan101iel

    Bad idea

    The mr green minecraft server was perfect be4 (apart from hackers/X-rayers) but now you cant place a furnace brewstand or enchant table. they should at least enable furnaces because u need 2 make charcoal iron/gold ingots glass. the brew stand and enchant i am ok with tho but now everywere is jungle and there are no birch trees:( now boats r usless and u cant get snow. each biome is usful but we only got jungle which gets boring after a while. the new ore sistem is bad because diamond is rare so facs that dupe will be the only facs with dia stuff and most cant mine it due 2 ore shortage and no smelting creeperface "/-\"
  11. dan101iel


    ban pls my stuff:(
  12. noman82 is redgander he is an idiot
  13. dan101iel


    i joined lrg and they made me sleep in a bed and kickilled x 1000 by a dispencer shoting FIRECHARGES and arrows redgander and jauntwothree
  14. dan101iel


    its a mod tht only works on singleplayer
  15. dan101iel


    hacker pls ban
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