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Mr. Green Gaming


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Arild_ last won the day on September 30 2022

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About Arild_

  • Birthday 03/11/1993

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  1. 1. MC Username: Arild_ 2. Are you willing to help out gather materials and build initial buildings for the spawn area? Is that still necessary? If so, yes 3. Do you agree to abide by the rules? (see below) Of course 4. After the whitelist is removed, will you be a contributing community member? (ie. Be active, don't be toxic) I was planning to only play now and then, when I feel like it (due to other games and limited time), but I can contribute if there is a need for it. And no, toxic behavior is not my thing, so no worries there. 5. What do you plan to do on the survival server in the long run? Build myself a base of operations (Primarily a main building from where I can operate, but multiple buildings, walls, underground areas, towers etc. may be included in the future), and playing around with some redstone to do some practice with electronic-like logic.
  2. Arild_


    It's easy to see that there's a new plugin on the server as chests looks like stone blocks until you get somewhat close to them. Also, serverlag used to be non-existent until I came back from vacation yesterday. Everything lags now, even the chat, and I don't want the situation to become like it was earlier where you could get stuck in a lagspike and die because of it. I've not done any PvP so far today, but even outside PvP the lag is quite noticable. If this is caused by the new anti-xray plugin, I'd prefer to keep the old one and have the server free of lag than having to relive the lag we had some maps ago.
  3. I remember asking about that in the hacker reporting forums once. I don't remember what the response was, but if it was allowed then it must have been in a small scale. Making a big mountain like the one of the property of Demacia or like the one on my base is something entirely different.
  4. Someone has mountained our temporary base during the night. As I assume this is against the rules, I'd appreciate if you could remove it if possible. Pictures:
  5. From what I can recall, lavamountaining is against the rules. Just check the message you get when you log into the server, it clearly says "No lava/water mountains"
  6. Great idea, kodauer! Server events like this is the kind of stuff I'd like to see more of on this server. Sign me up Faction: Barbarians Leader: Arild_
  7. Arild_

    Map reset date.

    Yay Wednesday!! Bye old map? We'll have to wait for the plugins to get updated to 1.5, so you'll have to wait at least a few more days for the map reset.
  8. I know I shouldn't participate in this disscusion since I am not involved, so I apologise for that, but if you look closely you can see that Bricanyl jumps a lot to do extra critical damage, and therefore making his attacks deal more than 3 hearts of damage if he gets a crit. I'm not completly sure how the crit damage works and how much is it, but it surely makes you capable of doing more than the 3 hearts of damage an iron sword would normally do.
  9. Does this mean that I can eventually build myself a house out of heads if this gets implemented?
  10. Does the map really have to be so incredibly large?
  11. I'm not sure if it's fixed, but earlier you could glitch through 1 block thick roofs if they had water ontop. Your roof apparently is both covered with water and being one block thick due to the dripping, and you can clearly see the person on the roof trying to break blocks to glitch through. Therefore I assume he's just trying to use that glitch to get through, and if he did get through and the glitch is still working, that's how he did it.
  12. The problem with enchanting is not the enchants on tools, but on armor and weapons. If the enchanting on this server is going to get modified, it's likely the weapon and armor enchants that is going to either get removed or nerfed, rather than removing enchanting completly. If we don't touch the enchanting on tools, getting diamonds won't get any harder, and we also won't need to remove/modify the way spawners work because good tools are the only thing you can get from farming xp and spending a lot of extra time on the server. Potions are quite easy to get a lot of without too much effort, and I doubt they'll add the public enchanting and brewing places back again due to their unpopularity. If you want people to get out of their bases and being able to fight anyone, removing the armor and weapon enchants or just strongly nerfing them will make it much quicker for everyone to max out their gear, and therefore increasing the chances for people to actually try to defend themselves instead of just running away or hiding in their bases.
  13. Perhaps remove any and all spawners, but keep all enchants? This would make getting xp much more harder than it is right now. People would automatically have more basic enchants versus high level enchants, as it takes AGES to get level 30 xp without a grinder. Nah, people could still get lv 30 without too much work through mining and smelting. It is certaintly slower than afking near some spawners and it'll probably reduce the amount of "god-gear", but not so slow that people won't be able to do it to get a few lv 30 enchants. This is at least how I'm used to do it, and it's not too slow to get to lv 30 if you're branchmining for ores at the same time. Another thing is that blaze rods will get way slower to get without spawners if you were to remove them (I think they can spawn naturally too, but ain't sure about that), but removing the spawners would make blaze rods unecessarily timeconsuming to get imo. Blazes gives twice the experience compared to the normal mobs, so just staying at a blaze spawner and farming blaze rods to get to lv 30 won't take that much time if you were to remove all spawners except the blaze ones. Also, if you're going to use the end to farm xp, there's several ways to kill a lot of endermen in a short amount of time without getting hurt back and without making a grinder, so if we're still going to keep the end public and we were to remove the spawners, that would still be a possible way to get to lv 30 quickly.
  14. That would be great. Potionspamming would still be possible, but removing the good enchants would at least be way better than it is now and make PvPing against big factions possible without afking for hours to get OP enchants. After all, games are supposed to be played, not afked. I just realised that removing prot IV would make instant damages OP, since 3 instant damages means an instant death. We really should think this true before adding something which will ruin the game even more, don't get me wrong I would love to see enchants removed, but maybe damage potions should be removed aswell ? I was thinking of this myself, and I've been wanting potions like poison II and Insta damage II to get removed for quite some time given that the most powerful enchants gets removed as well. Instant damage does 6 hearts of damage against non-enchanted armor, so it actually takes 2 such potions to kill a player, not 3. If all or at least the most powerful combat enchants gets removed, there's probably other potions that needs to be adjusted/removed as well for balance, like strenght or poison. I've never used full prot III or IV armor before, so those potions (poison II and Harming) have always been a pain in the ass to me when the enemy chooses to use them. I suppose that goes for all other non-god-armor-users too as the usage of such potions doesn't exactly require tactics or skills.
  15. That would be great. Potionspamming would still be possible, but removing the good enchants would at least be way better than it is now and make PvPing against big factions possible without afking for hours to get OP enchants. After all, games are supposed to be played, not afked.
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