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Mr. Green Gaming


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awdioawjdoiw's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Wait Top Crew Whos dat?
  2. umm i was wondering if you guys can transfer my level on to my other account cuz it took forever to get to level 32 xD also the green coins I got another steam account cuz my other account is in danger of being hacked and shit like hafe the time i cant get on it Anyways could you guys transfer my xp and coin My other account is http://steamcommunity.com/id/Lucas98 and my new account is http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198084667748 Thanks
  3. LOL XD
  4. Ok you guys do a great job at the zs server but... can you not make zombies op like when they spawn they should have normal health not somewhere around 450 thats just op there ._. it would make more sence to make more people be chosen as zombie then op zombies health like 10 players 4 zombies not like 10 humans and 2 zombies that have 500 or 400 health. Thank You
  5. awdioawjdoiw


    hears a video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQuj2lGG3q0&feature=youtu.be hears name I looked for the steam id even be searching up my console i couldnt but hears name [GC-1] [WGZ-PD] Yahtzee
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