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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by deathbyexcess

  1. What do you expect us to do ? Do you want me to build your entire base back and give you all the stuff you name without me knowing what it was ? Do you really expect us to just spawn in stuff you name ? If that is what you seek in admins then I don't have any problems calling this server a horrible adminned server. Get your shit straight, I have never expected you guys to do anything about this, how would I think you would? I should totally mine for hours, build for hours and enchant for weeks again. Thanks for the kind words though.
  2. I'm leaving this horrible adminned server, whole chunk of base gone + chest full of prot III-IV armor and sharp III-V are suddenly unenchanted. gg.
  3. It's funny how you rely on people recording hackers. Theres not a single hour I haven't seen people accussing hackers about hacking. As hulpje said, the x-ray plugin is indeed pretty useless. Also the admins aren't here indeed for 24/7 if this server had nocheatplus and an admin checking those logs you'd see how many warnings you'd get.
  4. Hi I wanna state a fact here: Left4Green is a quite big community, though their Minecraft server is controlled by lazy admins (I figured this after doing some research). These admins are way too lazy to catch x-rayers, nodus users and so on. I wonder why nothing is being done against this. People from the faction 'TheMonkeys' simply admit their hacking cause no admin gives a single fuck. Why not give these 10 year olds what they deserve? Thanks for reading and have a good day.
  5. Heres the story This incident happened right now I've been throwing exp pots just for no reason, been kicked not knowing what the reason was, never got any warning so I didn't know what was going on. So I was throwing some more and I got banned Please why? I don't feel like being perm banned for this since I play here a lot. Thanks in advance, deathbyexces...
  6. God no please
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