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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Juniorpedder

  1. Whilst playing on the Minecraft server yesterday I was in the middle of raiding when all of a sudden I am being hit by a purely invisible person. I lost a lot of armour and was kind of annoyed. Just today I was raiding another faction and the same thing happened this time I couldn't play on because id just lost iron armour to people with stone pickaxes. I don't know what what's up whether it is plugins or Minecraft but its really making raiding hard. If there is any suggestions on how to fix this problem I would really like some help. Thanks.
  2. I think i need Clavus to sort this out :/
  3. Thanks for the quick responses!
  4. When I try to insert my minecraft username into the option so that i can spend gc on minecraft it gives me a message saying that the username is already being used. Either this means i have done it accidently or something has happened that i am not aware of. Please if you have any idea please can you reply on this. Thank you
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