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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Crazyspalding99

  1. OMG fuck off you faggot why the fuck would i pay more money just to get on to some shitty netherlands server fuck that you fat fucking cunt , go fuck your unemployed dad chinky holed bastard AND FOR THE FUCKING RECORD LIKE I SAID A MILLION TIMES I DONT FUCKING X RAY AND I DONT FUCKING KNOW HOW CANT YOU READ YOU FUCKING FOREIGN CUNT BAG
  2. like i had any chance of getting back any way you stupid cunt
  3. your such a fucking faggot, and i fucked your mom in the ass last night
  4. 1. Your in game name: Crazyspalding99 2. Date of your ban" 3 days ago 3. What game/server are you banned from Minecraft.nl faction wars 4. Who banned you (only if you know who) NA 5. Reason why you got banned (only if you know why) Raided Kingprawn took all their diamonds, got banned 6. Reason why we should unban you: i have done nothing wrong, i have no idea how to mod servers anyways....
  5. excuse me, my mine craft username is Crazyspalding99 i've been playing on this server for months now, it's my favorite server i've ever played on, i don't play any other games except mine craft and a couple of days ago i was banned, for no reason, it said banned for x raying so the first thing i did was come here and ask for a ban appeal but i was told x ray bans were permanent but if i quote the pinned x ray post on this forum it says "Your ban will be very likely be permanent, although you can still try your luck with an unban topic." so this is me trying my luck i absolutely love this server. please let me back on I've made some great friends on this and i know the map really well as well. I think that the fact that you ban people simply by checking there inventory is a bit unfair your could have just gotten lucky nike i did and raid someones base and take all their diamonds and get banned. I say that maybe trying out a different plugin or something that my properly prevent someone from even seeing underground ! well thats just my thoughts, I would absolutely love it if you would please please please Unban Crazyspalding99 maybe if you thought about how i put so much thought into this forum post, not just say 'UNBAN ME' and expect to be let back on. Please think over what you have just read and pass your judgement Mercifully.... thanks.
  6. im not a fucking x ray user so please let me join... and I'm not gonna pay money to get back
  7. Come on please let me join!
  8. hi, I've been playing on this server for months now and I've got a really good faction that I'm in, today i raided these guys and they had loads of diamonds, and i mean LOADS, anyway i was sticking them in my chest when suddenly i was disconnected when i tried to log back on it says i was banned for x-raying !? i don't even know how to mod mine craft please unban me i really like this server! mine craft name: Crazyspalding99
  9. hi, I've been playing on this server for months now and I've got a really good faction that I'm in, today i raided these guys and they had loads of diamonds, and i mean LOADS, anyway i was sticking them in my chest when suddenly i was disconnected when i tried to log back on it says i was banned for x-raying !? i don't even know how to mod mine craft please unban me i really like this server! mine craft name: Crazyspalding99
  11. hi a couple of days ago i was banned, but was allowed back on the server but it turned out that after the ban i was left from my faction called gentlemen (which i own) anyways, i only have one moderator on it and he doesn't come on very often so i was just wandering if a moderator could help me out and put me back in my faction (if possible) because i have like 33 diamonds and 8 people who r in it PLEASE HELP ME IF POSSIBLE
  12. I wasnt i swear!!!!! please unban!
  13. I was playing on my faction just a couple of minutes ago and suddenly i was banned!!!!!!!!!! i have a really good friend on this server that i only know through minecraft and ive played on this server for AGES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please please unban me i beg if someone is kind enough to have mercy on me please unban : Crazyspalding99 PLEASE HELPE ME!
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