excuse me, my mine craft username is Crazyspalding99 i've been playing on this server for months now, it's my favorite server i've ever played on, i don't play any other games except mine craft and a couple of days ago i was banned, for no reason, it said banned for x raying so the first thing i did was come here and ask for a ban appeal but i was told x ray bans were permanent but if i quote the pinned x ray post on this forum it says "Your ban will be very likely be permanent, although you can still try your luck with an unban topic." so this is me trying my luck i absolutely love this server. please let me back on I've made some great friends on this and i know the map really well as well. I think that the fact that you ban people simply by checking there inventory is a bit unfair your could have just gotten lucky nike i did and raid someones base and take all their diamonds and get banned. I say that maybe trying out a different plugin or something that my properly prevent someone from even seeing underground ! well thats just my thoughts, I would absolutely love it if you would please please please Unban Crazyspalding99 maybe if you thought about how i put so much thought into this forum post, not just say 'UNBAN ME' and expect to be let back on. Please think over what you have just read and pass your judgement Mercifully.... thanks.