Sorry if these are FAQs, but... 1. Can people hide their presence on the online live map? If so, how does one go about doing this? 2. Is there a 'boat glitch' that allows players to go through blocks, even in another faction's claimed land? 3. Can players hit doors repeatedly and get through using an ender pearl? 4. Mob-spawner farming is allowed, correct? Idk why it would not but I suppose it could lag a server. Thanks! 5: Is there ANY glitch at all that allows you to go through blocks in another faction's claimed land? I have been having a pest get in somehow and I am fairly sure I have checked time and time again how he gets in. A glass hallway type thing is 1 block below the surface of the water... This is how I imagine he gets inside the base, but how does he do it? Thank you, again!