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Mr. Green Gaming


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AliasAr last won the day on October 16 2012

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. 1. MC Username: AliasAr 2. Are you willing to help out gather materials and build initial buildings for the spawn area? Probably but I can't state it as a fact. 3. Do you agree to abide by the rules? Yes. 4. After the whitelist is removed, will you be a contributing community member? Depends on whether I like the server, I honestly don't know yet. EDIT: Realised that that may sound wrong, I meant I don't know if I'll keep playing. I will be a contributing community member if I do. 5. What do you plan to do on the survival server in the long run? Come online atleast every so often, gather some materials and help some people build.
  2. Ingame name: AliasAr PvP Rate: 0
  3. I reached 80 but I didn't get a screenshot of that. My killstreak was stopped after I was chased around the map by 6 people for 15 minute, two were hackers.. That really pissed me off.
  4. You aren't the only one who can't throw pearls.
  5. I cried once with Beyond: Two souls.
  6. This was done before and I believe (if my memoryis not betraying me) it was a disaster and therefor not repeated.
  7. A I the only one who noticed the guy was forcefielding
  8. I use the account so I am banned too.
  9. The Ingame Name: alessandro100 Date of the ban: 17/09/2012 What game/server are the account is banned from: The game: Minecraft, The server: server.minecraft.nl Who banned the account: Corby Reason why the account got banned: Forcefield Reason why we should unban the account: I think it was just lag because alessandro100's head never turned, and as known forcefield makes your head turn or else nocheat/nocheatplus/anticheat would have stopped it. It is possible that alessandro100 standed there, the player filming had a client side lag while alessandro100 was hitting him to keep him of and the client received the data from the server directly after each other at the exact moment he was jumping on alessandro100 and then alessandro100 ran further. I hope alessandro100 gets unbanned because this was his favorite server. An excuse for any possible spelling mistake in this unban topic. This unban topic is made by a dutch thirteen year old kid. Greetings from AliasAr
  10. The faction is called heilhitler.
  11. name : iPoPYoAss why should he/she be banned : vcliping proof : A screen of hims saying uvclip -3 on the server and a sreen of the map that states he was at the base of an enemy.
  12. I think it was "banned by operator" at least thats what he said to me
  13. Maybe make it so that the pvp relogging plugin resets its logs after every startup
  14. Wtf when did I write this I don't know how this got here, but that is a reply I made in ANOTHER topic *link* I dont remember writing this but I may have a found a working plugin (anti pvp relog plugin not anti pvp plugin) http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/anti-relog/
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