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  1. he has got hacks :3
  2. mmmh its hard, try it yourself :3 we did it yesterday, not today, we are just a few hours after the first ones,i guess
  3. Yesterday: 21 ‎juli ‎2010, ‏‎18:12:17 (around that time, printscreen was saved @ that, we completed it like 10 mins before) -[WSK]Invade/Invade/Invazie - Disturbed/Ðisturbed - [lol]insane.Odin - Some unknown random guy _-..:Whisker:..-_ COMPLETED THE ALIEN SWARM CAMPAIGN ON INSANE :DDDDD noa farming for lvl 27 (3 prestige)
  4. Working, ill post again if i find something again, thanks both of you for the quick replies
  5. I tried BOTH on the CP server, both worked, Fyling doctor worked with Spacebar, not mouse 2 O_o? Sleeping switch worked after holding mouse 2, but im 100% sure, and i am not the only one that it didnt work in payload a few hours ago :l, maybe some itty bitty bugs?
  6. BUT right mouse (mouse2) activates Uber charge...? thats epic fail x.x why not make it as it was (holding spacebar)
  7. Using 1 stickie, and jumping after a demoman like Invade and i always do, jump with spacebar, than hold it ? This time it didnt work, in the morning it did, but in the evening we tried it, and it didnt work Sleep switch didnt work 1h ago, but it worked also in the morning, not 100%, but after some tries we succeeded with it, now (evening) it also didnt work :l, we asked Ywa what to do, and he said make a post, BTW: thanks for quick replies
  8. BTW, Disturbed here, player in Mr.green Payload server Invade and i discovered that some items we bought with GC in the green shop don't work anymore, the things we currently discovered are: Flying doctor, no more flying, no more elastic stoof, everything is gone, even tested in spawn O_o Sleep switch, click right mouse button, holded it, tried several times, no reaction of our sentry guns... I would like to know if this can be fixed, it toke long time/and some money, to get our GC stoofies, and we would like if it would be possible to fix them , Before the engi update everything worked fine Know bug, i guess, is Dispenser Jump, Invade has got this one, not working anymore :l
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