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Mr. Green Gaming


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  1. phveritas


    ur lost here in a black hole, etf2.org, thats where u should be http://etf2l.org/recruitment/
  2. Hi, it was an nice intension to try out new maps & sutff. always great to improve the mappool! but u did this like 3 times on the server now, and everytime u did that, noone played on the server for weeks. noone downloaded the new maps and u let ur own server die! i told u, that u lose ur regulars' table on ur server. u like ur ragulare stuff, random crits, random maps, random shit. so why not the normal regular maps? it was one of the best koth pubblic servers in the community and u let ur own server die. to try new maps?????? why u try new maps? random players dont liked it. regulare maps are good, u dont need to promote a new, unbalanced stuff. or are u one of the bosses who made thaaad. try that on ur arena server and u will lose the rest of the players playing on ur tf2 servers. What would they say about it? If u dont like the koth server, so shut it down, why not? only costs.. ressources, energy, money ect. the most admins dont play on it anywas, like the OWNER of it clavus. i know that this is ur own shit, sir. u do what u want, i know it. WHY u triy to build a tf2 community? stop faking! cheers ps: imo anonymus xD
  3. Hey, every ppl has a disconnect every 10 min since nearly one week. u never ply on ur on own koth server? ... greetz
  4. Theyr so random and stupid that everybody can kill everybody with critz. I dont ply normal ctp, ctf maps on pub, cause the stupid spam only sux! It is so damn random u can get killed on every corner. When i ply tf2 on pubblic i only ply koth cause u can controll the area near u. sepp
  5. phveritas

    TF2 3D

    Nice work!!!
  6. Valve themselfes think about to remove critz from the game! Critz are a part of the game, but critz is a shit, so valve think about it to remove.. They only made them cause they thought that a lot of quake pplz would switch to tf2, and if u ever plyd a match 1on1 against a good quake ppl u have no chance. So they though that critz are a good idea to deal with new ppl who dont know to use theyr weapons...!
  7. Do not deal with Critz! TURN EM OFF!! TF2 is moste time brainless cause of this shit, so make it better! Take the right way Yes u can!!! add: we need more smileys in this forum! Democracy is about meanig of everybody not about the more! Ignore the 17 and think about the others! Take a look at no kritz fragvidz: and take it to a new level XDD!! sepp Comon do it!
  8. Crits FtW! Omg, plz remove kritz on ur servers if u want to have some ppl, without "brainless spamming"! I posted it into every fuc..in forum about ft2! Plz every server should stop this dumb shit!!!! Critz are a fuckin random shit! Everybody knowes! In every league, if u want to talk about it, critz are "illegal" cause of this brainless skill level. U dont have to do nothing.. Sometimes.. if u make enove dmg u get critz to an another level, but get killed in a 20 kills series by a nooby critz u would rage! Valve made kritz cause of all no skilled players, to have a chance against good ppl, but there are 4 years left...!!!!!! Comon, critz are SHIT! And everybody who dont agree are bad ppls, cause every ppl with some skill dont kill a ppl with kritz. He pwns cause he made a lot of dmg and never stops to get him down!
  9. The moste of the russian players use the mic function to spam shit!!! Spam u know?) Use mumble, ventrillo or if u are foolish u use skype! Stop flaming admins u idiot! Stop talkin russian shit on an international server! TF2 = team fortess 2 u know? TEAM = so talk english! add: only idiots calls holland people rasists! u dumb!
  10. Hey, a player on ur koth server is using the sentry glitch. His Steam name and ID is: "timn" STEAM_0:1:14651155 11:26 160 0 He builds 4 and more sentrys at base and near the point. Is that allowed? I made a demo of this, but i cant upload it, cause of "Error; you arent permitted to upload this kind of file"!? I tried to make a zip file, but same error.. best regards sepp
  11. thx guys great work!!! greetz
  12. how u can dominate a guy 2 hours on pubblic????? u ever made that OoOoO??? im wondering? Hey, * Clavus * Ywa * Mayco * Botervloot * ERROR 401 * Axon * NPhect help me plz! Do something plz! For what u have admin rights??? for toleratin every shit? sry, its a bit harsh, but this turkish guy sucks rly hard. For what u have a forum?? Who owns this server? Plz let me talk to the owner! U have a rule in forum: Don't discriminate, harass or provoke fellow forum members. Meaning no flaming and no trolling. Are ur rules also meaning ur servers??? so react!!!!!! i know a lot nederland people, and know that u are rly tolaretin, but wtf.. this guy is uneducated, has a bad behavior, hes intolerant(cause he flames instand, "women", and tell theyr shit oO) and he suck other players! Comon omg! i would poste some demos, but its shit cause of the new update... What u lose, one single idiot kid? Ban him or give me some admin rights, so i can kick&ban this idiot! Comon admins, ur there for shity situations like this! greetz sepp Ps.: give me some admin rights! im serious and ply in a clan, im exp in 6on6 and 5on5 koth! I could help u.
  13. i dont think so, but idk! im playing a mix right now.. but everyone who plays sometimes on koth sever know me and im a serious player, but this shit sucks rly hard.
  14. He´s not voice flaming. Can u ignor a flame 2 hours???? comon guys, are u admins or arent u? do something plz! if i ignore him, he flames, he always insta flame! comon, is there no rule of bad behavior??? oO He flames me when he joins and he dont stop. I told him three times i`ll talk to u, but he ignores this. Plz do something! greetz sepp
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