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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Swagga97

  1. Swagga97

    no unban?

    Its way to expensive to buy a new account i ditched all my hacks so why not..
  2. Swagga97


    1. Your in game name/ Swaggsoldier 2. Date of your ban / Dunno like 5 moths ago 3. What game/server are you banned from / mine craft ;( 4. Who banned you (only if you know who) / Clavus 5. Reason why you got banned (only if you know why) / X-ray 6. Reason why we should unbar you / cuz i regret what i have done and there is no better server in the time a was banned, i changed, removed X-ray wanted to start over again without hacks. so deeply sorry, and i hope u believe in second chances and mercy (atm i get unbanned if am thinking about donating) <3
  3. Swagga97

    pls unban

    lawl same ;(
  4. Swagga97


    Hey, Clavus, Its been a long time not being on this server (banned) and i regret, i play many servers and still i belevive this one was the best, i removed my xray in order to play again and have a second chance on this server (if i am unbanned i will donate i guess). ty for reading and ill hope u have mercy for me Greetz/Groeten Swaggsoldier
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