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Mr. Green Gaming

Admin Application


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I would like to be admin on the CSS Surf server of Mr.Green, I play there for a long time and I played on the GTA: SA server of Mr.Green too, so the real old skool Greens know who I am.


-name: Marco

-age: 17

-country: The Netherlands

-clan- no, i'm clanless, that was 1 of the rules for being admin.

If anyone have a question, ask me

thanks for reading,

Violence / MC Hammer

Edit: Sorry for posting in the wrong Sub-Forum, I didn't saw the little word but now i see ^_^

Edited by Violence
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@Lukkie: Yes the second, but the first one was on the dutch forum and that was wrong;)

@Dusty: I want to be admin, because this server needs at least 1 more admin for kicking AFK players, but also for annoying players.

and the reason that I want to do this "job" is because I think I can fix this problems, and because I'm active and calm ( I have never problems with people in the server ).

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ok but the real crew of mr.green knows me like 3 years (not very good but for sure a bit and I never had a ban or problems with anyone) when we all played in the mta SA server of mr.green, but if you have to choose the new admin then i'll talk to you in-game ;)

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ok but the real crew of mr.green knows me like 3 years (not very good but for sure a bit and I never had a ban or problems with anyone) when we all played in the mta SA server of mr.green, but if you have to choose the new admin then i'll talk to you in-game ;)

The real crew? Kniight is an admin for surf, and I presume (having never played surf myself :V) that he's very active and if he's not seen you, it doesn't help your chances.

Also, because you played on the MTA:SA server probably doesn't help your chances of the surf server, 'cause they're completely different :V

Good luck anyway.

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atm I'm more active then him I think, but that doesn't matter, the fact is that if i'm ingame I play... why should I chat the whole time? and we just need an admin to kick AFK players or ban hackers and sometimes solve problems, and if there are some problems I'll talk for sure, but I understand your reaction too, its true that he don't know me, but you can start for example 1 month and then look if I'm good enough or not...

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