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Thing in MTA

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Hi. I am doing this topic because I think MTA server should have some rules and admins should have new command.

I am talking about this: (sorri for colorful names, dno why so bad quality.)


1) People who have names like "penis" and "Fuckallturks" etc. should get kicked and they can come back only with new name. Why? because "fuckallturks" is racist and "penis" is just inappropriative word.

2) Other problem is spamming, insulting other players with bad words and just a inappropriative talk. If you look at the picture u see people talk about their pussyes and dicks.. That's just so wrong.. people like this should get mute. They should go to porn site to tell stuff like this, not to advertise it in MTA. Now, spamming.. Server should have thing like "automute". That thing should work something like this: someone spam tttt (like u see picture) and tell it many times, he get mute for 2? minutes. That would help avoid spamming, which is annoying.

3) I think admin needs mute command, because of some people just like insulting other people with bad words. Look at paragraph 2, then you see more reasons.

Sorry for my english and hope you do something with this mute thing.

  On 1/4/2010 at 12:44 PM, Peo_Loom said:

Hi. I am doing this topic because I think MTA server should have some rules and admins should have new command.

I am talking about this: (sorri for colorful names, dno why so bad quality.)


1) People who have names like "penis" and "Fuckallturks" etc. should get kicked and they can come back only with new name. Why? because "fuckallturks" is racist and "penis" is just inappropriative word.

2) Other problem is spamming, insulting other players with bad words and just a inappropriative talk. If you look at the picture u see people talk about their pussyes and dicks.. That's just so wrong.. people like this should get mute. They should go to porn site to tell stuff like this, not to advertise it in MTA. Now, spamming.. Server should have thing like "automute". That thing should work something like this: someone spam tttt (like u see picture) and tell it many times, he get mute for 2? minutes. That would help avoid spamming, which is annoying.

3) I think admin needs mute command, because of some people just like insulting other people with bad words. Look at paragraph 2, then you see more reasons.

Sorry for my english and hope you do something with this mute thing.

1. Racist names like "fuckallturks" isnt allowed, cause it's racism, but names like "penis", honestly it's not a big deal..

2. In my opinion people can write what they want as long as they dont insult other players

3. Yes, but only to mute insulters

4. This is europe we dont censor bad words like the us.

Posted (edited)

2) So cool when chat is full of wet pussies and dicks -.- This is annoying and not behaveful. Spammers is still problem.

4) I am also in europe, but people just shouldn't say these words.

Edited by Peo_Loom
  On 1/4/2010 at 2:48 PM, Peo_Loom said:

2) So cool when chat is full of wet pussies and dicks -.- This is annoying and not behaveful. Spammers is still problem.

4) I am also in europe, but people just shouldn't say these words.

I really dont have any further comments exspect that you should let people say what they want to say, and that we're not a bunch of 10 years old "who needs to be protected from bad language"


As Danni said, racism should be punished, but names like "penis" or saying unrelated things about a penis, is not worth arguing about. It just shows the mental capabilities of those players (like they can only think and talk about their family jewels).


There's no point in a chat filter, people should be able to say what they want, obscene or not. Not to mention the fact that it's beyond easy to bypass filters.

  On 1/4/2010 at 12:44 PM, Peo_Loom said:

2) Other problem is spamming, insulting other players with bad words and just a inappropriative talk. If you look at the picture u see people talk about their pussyes and dicks.. That's just so wrong.. people like this should get mute. They should go to porn site to tell stuff like this, not to advertise it in MTA. Now, spamming.. Server should have thing like "automute". That thing should work something like this: someone spam tttt (like u see picture) and tell it many times, he get mute for 2? minutes. That would help avoid spamming, which is annoying.

I totally agree with that, and when I remember right, that "talk too much will get you muted" was a rule used in the old MTA server, but that was years ago. Tommorow is it's death day.


Racism will not be tolerated by me in any form or fashion. Swearing and bad names is not so bad. The rules do say no swearing, but I let it slide mostly. I swear at times when I'm frustrated. Now if this rule needs to be enforced, I will enforce it when I'm on. Chat flooding is unacceptable and the ones I see doing it get muted or kicked.

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

For the beginners and idiots:

Do NOT use any kind of hack/modification/cheat!

Don't spam or flood

You don't need to type 10 lines in 2 seconds to get your point shown.

Avoid intentional ramming or blocking

You're not playing alone, if you can't keep up with someone, don't try to ram him off the course to keep your position, you wouldn't like it if it happened to you, so don't do it to others. Also, blocking a ramp or a key place in a race really makes other people mad so don't do it! In circuit race don't go backwards!

High ping and "lagging"

This can happen if you already have problem running single-player GTA:SA on your PC or if you have a slow internet connection. The maximum ping is 300 ms. If you're warping around ingame or just go slower than other people, then this means your game is going slower than it should. Lower your graphic settings and resolution, then try again.

Respect the others (or at least try)

I know it can sometimes be frustrating when you get rammed or killed by others while racing, but at least try to keep a decent language.

This is NOT an instant messaging program.

If you're ingame, you're supposed to be playing, not chatting. The chat box is only there to send some comments about ingame stuff. While chatting you're more likely not to be racing at the same time.

Vehicle Shooting Rules

Deathmatch: This is the ONLY place you ARE ALLOWED to shoot.

Standard Races: In normal races (with checkpoints, time limit and positions) you are STRICTLY FORBIDDEN TO SHOOT OTHER RACERS. If everyone starts with a shooting vehicle or if you change into one while racing, RESTRAIN from shooting with it. The point of racing is not to kill people, but to show your skills. So play fair.

Special Races: (like Bulet chase) In SOME special cases, a map where a few players are given shooting vehicles at the start of a race, and where all others are in normal vehicles, you ARE allowed to shoot down racing players (it's the goal) but watch out, you are NOT allowed to "camp" somewhere to shoot everything that passes by, you need to keep moving around. Also, try to go after the leading racers, to give the people in the back a chance to catch up, for a more competitive race.


Prod the up arrow, you will move more faster.

Airplanes (helicopters and hover): press the 2 button, you pull the wheel in and you will move more faster. Controlls: wasd and with the arrows. Hydra hover: num8 and num2. Fire: left ctrl and left alt.

Practise offline!

bicycle: jump button is left ctrl.

Car air controll:

Edited by CsenaHUN
  On 1/17/2010 at 7:56 PM, Hundred2 said:

I thought that Ramming was part of MTA D: !!!

But the rest is ok.

And i swear too when frustrated but i dont swear with "heavy or really offensive" stuff.

You are right. Ramming is part of the game. If you ramm somebody just say sorry at the end of the map. But if you go past somebody (you are faster) and he pulls the wheel onto you intentionally, this is not good.

Heavy to keep not swear. I do not manage to do this. But this is the smallest problem. :)


i think mute command is helpefull , spammers or insulting badly people are annoying and if they continue mute shall be puted in action.

relating to blockers... its not allowed as far as i know.. so if someone constantly blocks... call someone or try to get him out of the blocking position.

relating to curses.. it really shouldnt mind. cuz its normal when someone is frustaded. just dont abuse lol


Raming is annoying..

Blockers, well I find the 'blow' button very helpfull.

Players, whos' cars have caught fire and they drive into other players on purpose to make them explode too, is really pissing me off.


The chat filter is a bad idea. It's stupid is you can't use word like "penis". Make a filter who say "please" after every sentens insted XD more fun XD " you fucking horse penis! Please :D" make no sense at all XD

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