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Mr. Green Gaming

Admin app


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Posted (edited)

Gameserver:Zombie survival

Age:32 -Gaffer :D

Country of origin:Slovakia - Move to the Netherlands

Link to SteamCommunity profile *:http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198013804896

Link to Xfire profile **: Not yet i working on it

Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: i wanna help people when someone need i am now to much online + me english suck i learning it I know Rusia,Germany,SVk,CZE,Poland, And can speak with everyone

Google translate used

Come to the top as we said Firehawk But little: I am married I have 2 children I enjoy helping people got a lot of free time and who deals with the family computer, as I said to move to Netherlands, English I do not know 100% I'm learning myself: D I'm willing to to anything here I do not know what more to write, why I want to be admin? But so long time since I play on the server and when there is not admin so there's quite a mess: Kids crying in microphone canceled the game or just generally want to be admin because I like the servers and I think I would rather help you but I do not know how Left4green ZM server is the most I also think that the rejection of applications in the

I have pretty much experience for be a admin, been admin on 4 servers ( 1 is my own server :D ) maybe dont know the servers, but i have admin of ByB, Best RP and SB. i know pretty much about the commands. first i warn a player then warn him again, slay him, and then kick then i will slay him or ban him.

But i wish to get admin still

When I am admin on the server so I will be 20 hour per day online

I think this gona deniet i just wish to get it .... SO this is deniet i know it :(

Edited by Bublin
Posted (edited)

short app about yourself but the words say much about you Xd

tell something more about yourself and why you want to be admin something to change in servers or?... share it with everyone.

and use a bid more ''enter'' makes it easier to read you can also make this part: ''Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin''

black, like this: Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin

makes the app better :) so again give us much information.. maybe something about what you are doing these days.;)

good luck

using google translating:

krátky cca o sebe. ale slová hovoria veľa o vás Xd

Povedzte niečo viac o sebe a prečo chcete byť admin niečo zmeniť v serveroch, alebo? ... zdieľať s každým.

a využitie ponuky více''''zadejte uľahčuje čítanie môžete tiež tejto časti:''niečo málo o svoje vlastné, a prečo si myslíte, že ste spôsobilí na admin''

čierna, ako je táto: Niečo málo o svoje vlastné, a prečo si myslíte, že ste spôsobilí na admin

robí app lepšie:), takže opäť nám veľa informácií .. Treba niečo o tom, čo robíte v týchto dňoch.;)

Veľa šťastia

Edited by Firehawk

Translating sucks, I like his English how it is right now. I don't know why there is a new admin application right now, but good luck! I hope this doesn't end in a discussion about your age. :mr-green:


Translating sucks, I like his English how it is right now. I don't know why there is a new admin application right now, but good luck! I hope this doesn't end in a discussion about your age. :mr-green:

Why do you keep sticking up for him. He's immature and has terrible English. Maturity and good English are prerequisites for even being considered as an admin.


Translating sucks, I like his English how it is right now. I don't know why there is a new admin application right now, but good luck! I hope this doesn't end in a discussion about your age. :mr-green:

Why do you keep sticking up for him. He's immature and has terrible English. Maturity and good English are prerequisites for even being considered as an admin.

Because his immaturity and non-English make him cool.


Translating sucks, I like his English how it is right now. I don't know why there is a new admin application right now, but good luck! I hope this doesn't end in a discussion about your age. :mr-green:

Why do you keep sticking up for him. He's immature and has terrible English. Maturity and good English are prerequisites for even being considered as an admin.

Because his immaturity and non-English make him cool.



Translating sucks, I like his English how it is right now. I don't know why there is a new admin application right now, but good luck! I hope this doesn't end in a discussion about your age. :mr-green:

Why do you keep sticking up for him. He's immature and has terrible English. Maturity and good English are prerequisites for even being considered as an admin.

Because his immaturity and non-English make him cool.


Because his avatar has the Godly beast that was the subject of the gang I was in on the infamous Dutch GTA forum and unconciously that makes me appreciate him a lot then.


Ur moving to the netherlands?, dont wanna bother but if ur going to the netherlands u have to speak decent english OR u just have to speak dutch. (just a tip, Improove ur English!)


Crowbar, ignore BlueYoshi.

Everyone knows he's just a guy who takes too many drugs sometimes icon_mrgreen.gif

And he's stuck in his own jokes all the time.

As for the admin app.

I cant really say he's a good one, he lacks GOOD english.


You guys do realise that this guy is pretty much always inactive on the forums?

So, using my skills of fortune telling, I shall predict that he shall be back in 1 or 2 months time, not even bump/regard this thread, and make another Admin Application, probably exactly the same, and by this time he will now be 43 years of age.


Crowbar, ignore BlueYoshi.

Everyone knows he's just a guy who takes too many drugs sometimes icon_mrgreen.gif

And he's stuck in his own jokes all the time.

Stop right there, criminal scum! I haven't made a joke in this topic yet. I find Bublin cool because his topics always make me laugh a lot, both because I don't know what the hell he's talking about and because of people's responds to it. Without these people that cause controversy all the time, this forum would be hella boring.


I am married I have 2 children I enjoy helping people got a lot of

When I am admin on the server so I will be 20 hour per day online

Don't know if you're lying about this but Why the fuck do you want to play 20 hours per day when your married and have 2 kids... makes no sense

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