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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by robiana

  1. Ye the teleport we had like 8(I think) maps ago perfect, and ye change the enderpearl plugin.
  2. robiana


    1. yes RedGander! 2.Ye 2-4 weeks would eb great for making the server full. 3. Jadja fi u make parkours adn stuff u have to do ti in your own terretory, if not people will destroyd it.
  3. robiana


    I am sometimes but it''s soo fucking boring now cause noone is playing.
  4. robiana


    If u really wanne make the server stay alive u have to make a new map.
  5. :____( I deleted my pvp vids this will be hard. XD
  6. I agree with vibe this is bullshit noone can mine soo much dias in4 days... mathjis allways try to get tiss banned :/.
  7. The beast in teh house!
  8. I think TheMonkeys should join this Leader MiddyMatijn!
  9. robiana


    Wait too teh map reset! (I love theme).
  10. Look liek the plugins have been uptated http://plugins.bukkit.org/
  11. http://plugins.bukkit.org/ Look like they uptated
  12. Oye! I hate this map xD
  13. Well my point is that people stands in the daem XP-FARM all day and wont fight.
  14. Well finnaly we got prot II but I still think its' better if we make the sword and bow to sharp II and pow II -robbi
  15. WOW pot spammer
  16. I also got particles at minemal (I hate rain)
  17. Am i wrong or from 0:40 to 0:46 xFreeze_ used Speed hack? :3 I dont think soo cause he allways drink a speed pot in the fight's... It was what he told me.
  18. Change the endepearl back
  19. Oye Iam in a good moude!
  20. Beastmode xD Watch the zombei at 0:34 he gto a dia sword xD
  21. You can say it:) I AGREE! Ye but maybe take 5 seconds if ane enemy is nearby in your claimed land
  22. It's kindea make the shit boring... But I agree thene.
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