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awesomeo_5000 last won the day on November 14 2012

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About awesomeo_5000

  • Birthday 01/01/1867

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  1. Working off your idea: I've used Towny a fair amount, and for larger-scale affairs it really is miles better than Factions. It has the ability to create nations - a collection of towns with a capital city, controlled by a single person and their assistants. Nations can recruit other towns, and wage wars against other nations. It works well with economy - something the server's never had but would need - in that you can set a daily tax, linked to the size of the town. To establish an economy, you could use the chest shop plugin, set up stores at spawn that buy resources for cash and then each town would need to gather resources to make money and keep their town alive. Any town that doesn't meet their tax will have their land unclaimed, and free to be pillaged. You can also configure it to cost money to create a town, and to claim plots, meaning newer players can't spam claim without first mining a bunch of resources to do so. At the start of the map, 3 nations are created by trusted players. These players can then recruit any town into their nation. This way, new players and friends can create their own city and bases whilst being part of a larger objective. Nations take a small tax off each town. The nation leader can use this extra cash to strengthen his town, recruiting the newer players, or they could pay other towns for aid in building, war, etc. In return for the tax, the joining town is offered protection and alliance - any towns that don't want to join a nation will be an easy target. I think it'd be really cool with the new minecraft update. Especially if you can create a custom map where there are three large islands with mixed biomes seperated by ocean. At spawn there can be three teleporters. Perhaps each nation could have a particular strength and weakness? Perhaps a lower town tax, but higher land claim price for smaller focussed nations. Perhaps each nation could have a separate resource in their capital to generate money. (ie. one nation has the ability to sell iron and cobble, the other sells stone and coal). This could generate an economy by encouraging each nation to trade their resources with each other, or creating slightly richer empires that focus on trade rather than combat. Alternatively, you could try a modpack like Feed The Beast - though it's resource hungry, it's popular. Combat is reshuffled thanks to new armour and weapons and there's plenty more stuff to do. I still think the factions formula is a good thing. Perhaps an entirely vanilla, no rules approach would help? Just a vanilla server with factions. Or, it could go the other way and brand as a hardcore factions server wherein all potions and weapon/armour enchantments are gone. I'd be interested to see how both pan out. I feel the latter would be the most enjoyable, but would require some focussed advertising. Sticking to one vote site that best reflects the audience we want, and rewarding the votes appropriately. On the vote/forum pages it would need to blatantly explain its tool enchants only, no potions. People will either love it or hate it.
  2. Mathijs abused my butt.
  3. Ultra-Jealous. Do you ever get motion sickness with it?
  4. I don't think that should be the solution at all. We all came to this server for the factions and the wars. Without either of those elements the game just isn't as fun. Good investigative work Red, hopefully this can be fixed in permissions
  5. http://forums.mrgreengaming.com/topic/9056-minecraft-hacker-reporting-topic/page-61?hl=dvd2001#entry112820
  6. You can type /f power name to see each of your member's levels to help find who needs to log in and stay alive. Power doesn't regenerate when you're offline, so if someone had already not been at maximum and then you had a period of inactivity, the power decay would put you under the limit. It's always best to keep well within your power maximum. 2-3 power for each player will mean the entire faction can take a break for a few days and not get into any awkward situations. People always seem to go for epic bases as well, but now that my friends don't play I've had quite a lot of fun trying to build a functional, protected 1-chunk base. I reckon smaller bases are the future
  7. If a regular player kills you, they are hackers. If an admin kills you, they are abusing their admin powers. It has always been that way, it always will be.
  8. I quite liked that video
  9. So you combat log by getting yourself kicked, that bypasses combattag? Just a heads up, from now on if anyone is caught doing this I'll be handing out temp bans. Abusing vanilla glitches is one thing, but this will create an unfairly frustrating PvP mechanic if it's not punished (we have CT for a reason). Has your unban been dealt with yet?
  10. I've been playing Feed The Beast on a huge server, clocks over 3k donations every month. And I've learned that the admin staff here are really fucking nice. Even at our worse, we're always more professional and polite than most other servers out there that aren't run by 12 year olds. It's an internet game. Unless someone's directly insulting you or constantly attacking you it's pretty impossible to dislike someone. The only people I can say I've really disliked on this server were Jinrai and co. because they were intentionally inflammatory. There have been a lot of people that thought I disliked them just because I put them under more scrutiny than others. It was nothing to do with my like or dislike of a person behind a username, but just that they were acting suspicious, I was sent evidence that was borderline and concerning, or they were giving off hack warnings. If you're doing nothing wrong, there's no reason to be bothered by an admin checking you out. When situations like this happen, understand admins are human and not perfect. Instead of kicking off, posting troll topics and giving the admin reason to hate you, calmly state your case and leave it be. If any admin bans you, we'll all read your appeal and weigh in and it's not going to end up as youre banned because one of us dislikes you.
  11. Just FYI. When I tried the last version of Nodus I noticed something weird. When I went into the menu and 'disabled' it, my GUI was left at 'small'. Now, you can do this in vanilla. But it just looks weird, and why would you? So yeah. Cool small gooey, guy.
  12. If you register bans through the x-ray plug in it'll avoid liars. /pardon takes from the ban.txt but the x-ray list is separate and has no crossover (Unless things have changed)
  13. All of you GTFOH, you don't have any right to post and are just making Tissetass' unban appeal more complicated than it needs to be. Clavus will have to take a look as once a player is banned I can't access their x-ray data.
  14. We've tried orebfuscator many times, but it just chews the CPU to shreds. That and it's damned hard to spell!
  15. Wait, what happened?
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