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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by DIMON312

  1. Race: Lancia - I remember you Mix: [NTS] Test Drive 6 v1.0
  2. meta
  3. Good afternoon. I stop off at Mta, and in honor of all their mapy spread over 2 years. I hope someone like realties. Good you play. I wish more of mr. Green Gaming Bye-Bye sry my english) https://www.dropbox.com/s/3078vuxhkx3rvmu/%5BRUA%5DMetallica%60s%20maps.rar?dl=1
  4. Kurwa [sH] R.I.P #2 [Race] Random Rock [NTS] SHKurwa.rar R.I.P. 2 (green ver).rar Random Rock.rar
  5. Its not achievement map. But I think this map must uploaded. Its hard work, not everyone can do this map...
  6. OMG Face Fix ________ NEW NTS MAP!!!!!!!! Lancia - I remember you(2nd fix).rar KURWA NTS!.rar
  7. Lancia<3 Lancia - I remember you(fix).rar
  8. Name: Fake and fynny Author:Metallica Time: 2 min Checkpoints:23 Map have fake cars,fake checkpoints,fake song:-) 1.zip
  9. 13 absolute new maps. Please check this maps. P.S. Please delete this shit - http://forums.mrgreengaming.com/topic/11878-maps-by-dimon312/ Air wars(Black sky) nts by DIMON312.zip Air wars(Hard version) nts by DIMON312.zip Lirika by DIMON312.zip Lose yorself (nts) by DIMON312.zip Lose yorself reverse (nts) by DIMON312.zip Shit rtf by DIMON312.zip I like landjump(RTF) by DIMON312.zip Village drift by DIMON312.zip I know you like this map;) by DIMON312.zip I know you like this map (NTS) by DIMON312.zip I think you have luck(nts).zip Airport long race(nts).zip Russian lirika(nts).zip
  10. Sergio, I corrected the maps have not been downloaded. I also changed already downloaded tracks that do not work. Please reload Corrections routes are and delete records. Thank you for your attention. DROPTHEWORLD(CTF).zip DROPTHEWORLD(RACE).zip DROPTHEWORLD(RTF).zip GROVE2AZTEKASRTF.zip GROVE2POLICEMANHUNT.zip GROVE2RIFARACE.zip GROVE2VAGOSCTF.zip LOKCTF.zip LOKRTF.zip MOCKINGBIRDCTF.zip MOCKINGBIRDRACE.zip MOCKINGBIRDRTF.zip
  11. Why my tracks are not checked, even if some downloaded, then do not have any comments (((I try to like an idiot and nothing >( http://m09.userfiles.me/m/431427078301/1356333063/33288510/0/0e793f92f13ad6a05eb2c36c0209d924/Zhaman(Vostochnyj_Okrug)-Ma_laf_bi_lajk(.mp3
  12. And after a short break, ready once pack.Theme:game Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver from the Play Station. Song:Legacy Of Kain Soul Reaver - Ozar Midrashim LOKMH.zip LOKCTF.zip LOKNTS.zip LOKRACE.zip LOKRTF.zip
  13. Third collection is ready and again theme Eminem. The name of the collection: Drop the World Song: Eminem Ft. Lil Wayne-Drop The World DROPTHEWORLD(CTF).zip DROPTHEWORLD(MANHUNT).zip DROPTHEWORLD(NTS).zip DROPTHEWORLD(RACE).zip DROPTHEWORLD(RTF).zip
  14. And here is the second collection of my maps The theme of this map music Eminem. Song: Eminem - Mockingbird MOCKINGBIRDCTF.zip MOCKINGBIRDMANHUNT.zip MOCKINGBIRDRACE.zip MOCKINGBIRDRTF.zip MOCKINGBIRDNTS.zip
  15. First thematic collection is dedicated to gangs and gang grove that surround them. Song: Angel of Def - Come see me GROVE2AZTEKASCTF.zip GROVE2BALLASNTS.zip GROVE2POLICEMANHUNT.zip GROVE2RIFARACE.zip GROVE2VAGOSCTF.zip
  16. Hi all! I want to introduce you to your new partition. In this section I will post in 5 maps (race, ctf, rtf, nts, man hunt). All routes are to be one subject and will have the exact same song! I call it the theme track!)
  17. Name:Tramplin 2 Checkpoints: 29 Time:>7 min. Screenshots: http://imageshost.ru/photo/509105/id2430535.html http://imageshost.ru/photo/377505/id2430537.html http://imageshost.ru/photo/376962/id2430540.html http://imageshost.ru/photo/388685/id2430610.html Name:Tramplin 3 Checkpoints: 6 Time:>1,5 min. Screenshots: http://imageshost.ru/photo/349024/id2430662.html http://imageshost.ru/photo/225367/id2430665.html http://imageshost.ru/photo/267612/id2430668.html http://imageshost.ru/photo/276701/id2430672.html TRAMP2.zip TRAMP3.zip
  18. Name:Tramplin 1 Checkpoints:34 Time:>5 min. Screenshots: http://imageshost.ru/photo/204456/id2430504.html http://imageshost.ru/photo/110034/id2430510.html http://imageshost.ru/photo/245755/id2430514.html http://imageshost.ru/photo/194776/id2430518.html http://imageshost.ru/photo/221816/id2430525.html http://imageshost.ru/photo/412382/id2430531.html TRAMP1.zip
  19. Light version this track. Please post this track)))) CRASHDAYLIGHT.rar
  20. ...
  21. I present to you the new track Crashday. Checkpoints: 99 Song: Pencilcase - Crashday; LowBuz - On The Ledge Time: How lucky) ~ 15 min. About the track: Lots of explosions on the track that does not need to rush, heavy, better to pass in front of you if it goes noob you will clean the way))) Sales point are in remote locations or are not visible. All you need to be careful and accurate. Will reach the finish line, not all))))) http://s50.radikal.ru/i127/1208/42/f0265860cf2d.jpg http://i052.radikal.ru/1208/d7/1314e8bf44b3.jpg http://s55.radikal.ru/i149/1208/d1/789253a19734.jpg http://s019.radikal.ru/i644/1208/82/7e8b91240b3e.jpg http://s45.radikal.ru/i109/1208/bd/45b39fcfd6e5.jpg http://s017.radikal.ru/i412/1209/7f/7fb9f97bff50.jpg CRASHDAY.zip
  22. The thing is that I wanted to use them as prigrady in race mode. But thank you for that.
  23. I have a problem in the Map Editor. In Race mode, conventional cars transparent ie you can go through them. Here's a screen:http://img546.imageshack.us/img546/9743/mtascreen20120817075043.jpg How to solve this problem and make whatever they could dig.
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