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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by NinjaBinja

  1. this guy really starts to piss me off he keeps insulting me without any given reason could you please ban him for a while? it seems that he needs it. his name ingame is [bACON] Omnipwn steam id: STEAM_0:0:1427443 and here some screenshots i marked all the parts where he says this shit
  2. haha spyro that fits it perfectly XD
  3. there was more then this but i cant go back and look anymore
  4. NinjaBinja

    plz ban

    hi plz ban this guy he talks about nazis and that all germans suck his name is The_Fish or [The_Fish] this guy srsly pisses me off here are some screens from my console (WIR MUESSEN DIE JUDEN AUSROTTEN means We must exterminate the Jews)
  5. Oo when u download from netload it needs 2mins to download there u see how he blocked me edit: oh didnt saw post from balmung^^ anyway download it and hate him^^
  6. hmmm i can download it but here are 2 others mirrors (netload is the faster one) for you http://rapidshare.com/files/343494655/blocker.dem http://netload.in/dateirUsHtsopnu/blocker.dem.htm
  7. thank you guys im new and my english isnt very well to find something that hard i postet it in ban/unban forum if somebody can delete this post i would be thankful
  8. hi this guy blocked me the whole time and didnt wantet to stop (i flamed after he startet blocking) name is [bACON] Omnipwn steam id should be STEAM_0:0:1427443 47:51 the reason is here http://www.megaupload.com/?d=4K69MIDU game is team fortress 2 server is Mr. Green TF2 #3 | ARENA | LEFT4GREEN.COM
  9. hi i dont know where i should post this here to the topic 10 minutes ago there was a guy who didnt stopped blocking me while i was aiming with sniper i was going on rage.... here is demo http://www.megaupload.com/?d=4K69MIDU edit: name was [bACON] Omnipwn
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