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Mr. Green Gaming


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CodeExtreme last won the day on January 4 2013

CodeExtreme had the most liked content!

About CodeExtreme

  • Birthday 04/04/1998

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  1. CodeExtreme


    robiana -.- It's like.. A repetitive thing.. Clavus make a new map --> People start enjoying --> People get bored --> People leave the server --> People ask to make a new map--> Clavus make a new map --> People start enjoying --> People get bored --> People leave the server --> People ask to make a new map... and it still continue
  2. 1. Real name and age? Omar Fedior, 14 years old(I became 14 the 4th of April). 2. Where do you live? I live in Italy, Verona. 3. Previous experince with communities and boards? Yes. It was an italian community of SA-MP(San Andreas MultiPlayer). 4. What do you do for a living? (eg. what's your job) -- 5. Go to school? If yes, studying what? Yes, i go to school. But.. I'm not studying a specific subject But i want to study informatics 6. Describe yourself with 3 words? (looking forward to that one, lol ) Nice, Sociable, Romantic. 7. Anything else you wanna tell us? I'm selfish :/ Note; you may supply with a photo if you want to.
  3. CodeExtreme


    Woops.. I'm not talking to you
  4. CodeExtreme


    Yeah.. Problems?
  5. CodeExtreme


  6. -.- So if plugins got updated? Those are additional things to add to a bukkit server... But he's waitin' for a stable Bukkit Version :/ Not Plugins
  7. -.- You can't update a bukkit server from plugin -.-".... Then Bukkit 1.5 isn't out.. And those servers with Bukkit 1.5 just got a custom jar file server :/
  8. So? -.-"
  9. Well.. Then explain us why?
  10. Really.. Why are you so mad about that virus? Wow..
  11. xD Maybe spam this server in american servers so they'll come in our server and you'll be able to raid them..
  12. What about raiding your-self? Ahahah... I don't know what to do :/ I'll think how i can help you...
  13. I know a good american server.... I also got a good American friend that at the moment is playing in that server.. I can give you his skype so you can play with him.. Since if i log in that server i lag a lot because i'm in Europe.
  14. It's a really good idea... I played a server with this plugin. What i say: It's fuckin' awesome. I love it. I made a room called:"Room of Death Players" where i put all player heads as trophies.
  15. Too bad you can't be banned for nodus. It gets annoying coming to you cloaked on dynmap just for you to say hi white. It never happned
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