All I see are bad attempts to provoke Godshand + a shitty wallhack. + You have edited the video so it's easy to pick out the parts that make Godshand look unprofessional. Oh and I downloaded the video just for when you try to take it down now. Thanks guys finally someone who knows what was goin on.
Millions of years ago when I use to play ZS back in the days when Shock wasn't admin the only trolls that came on were from Europe and they got dealt with, I am not too sure if there are American trolls on the sever apart from the trolls under the bridge? The thing is that it may happen it may not ill probly just tell an admin if there is one online but you might wanna be prepared and just like you I have played zs for five years and know all rules.
It doesnt matter if I get admin its just that many of the people who gave me bad rep doesnt know the rules of other servers. Which why I mase this topic to explain why he is wrong and I tottally agree there are very great admins but none are on during USA time and som bad things could happen.
I made an admin app and tankman came here to ruin it this is the story of what happened. I was on the riot zs server and a couple of disrespectful people were on and I muted them. One stopped and the other continued so he left and came back next match to be human and unmuted so I threatened to ban him. Then tank came and said if I ban him he will go to the owner. So tank got alot of his nox friends on to troll me and disrespect me so I started muting them. They all said I was abusing and that is how this whole thing happened. Love GodsHand
I think we will let the admins/owners decide who gets accepted or not. Also with you having to sign up, it stops those that haven't signed up spamming threads and trolling, so class it as a security wall as to say. Also, Good luck dude! He wants me banned for muting trolls.