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Mr. Green Gaming


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Newbie (1/14)



  1. you should do those boss waves to ZS :), like at wave 2, wave 4, and wave 6.

  2. ;< R.I.P
  3. Forgot ;/ here is it: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Vesimeloni/
  4. where do you live?, i live on GM+2 area, and i play 10am-24pm at my country time. And oh, didnt saw that own admin application page :/ and i'm mostly played at same time with golden waffles ,(/\)O,,,O(/\) , pufu , modificator , kalin , etc. Portugal. Also, you shouldn't name change too much, in my opinion, so people can call you by one name. this is the name what i mostly use, and used since 08, but, i will keep this. no more changes
  5. i have played also with other names, RAY, etc.
  6. Oh stop it you, who are you to say that when you dont play often yourself Good luck Vesimeloni, but I suggest you to be on IRC too. though, why be admin on more than one or two servers at the same time? hope it's not too tough for you to handle... and like i said, i have so lot of time to play, so admin works is like my job, and ofcourse i can handle it, "with the time everything is possible", said wise man once >.<, and i think i spend most of time at mr.green server now, because i'm loved to ZS ;D
  7. where do you live?, i live on GM+2 area, and i play 10am-24pm at my country time. And oh, didnt saw that own admin application page :/ and i'm mostly played at same time with golden waffles ,(/\)O,,,O(/\) , pufu , modificator , kalin , etc.
  8. STEAM NAME: Vesimeloni GAME SERVER: Mr.Green GMod | Zombie Survival. AGE: 16. COUNTRY OF ORGIN: Finland. SOMETHING LITTLE ABOUT YOURSELF AND WHY YOU THINK YOU ARE FIT TO BE ADMIN: I have started playing gmod at 2008, when i bought a game, and downloaded steam, so, i have lot of experience about gmod, and mostly, i spend time at Zombie Survival, and on zombieRP, i'm also admin on the finnish RP server on gmod, and admin on CS:S, and possibly soon in CS:GO, and, i have lot of time to play, because i have no school, or job ( :< ), so, i play about 12-18h on a day, srsly , thats mean, i have lot of time spend on server atleast 12/7, and i have seen, there is also 10~ active Finnish player, and server haven't Finnish admin, or someone who speak finland, i think, because i dont know any country where someone talk finland , and i also have mic, and, also, i can give ideas for server map / model projects, thats is my "job" i get games, etc. from other servers, with planning maps, and Zombie Escape "Bosses" what is typical in cs:s on the muro servers, and my friends make lot of maps, called "taskuvaras", but i dont do maps at myself, i just plan it, and i dont know do i type right , because i speak english very well, but typing, just isnt for me , but thanks for readin my admin application. seeyou on server
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