STEAM NAME: Vesimeloni GAME SERVER: Mr.Green GMod | Zombie Survival. AGE: 16. COUNTRY OF ORGIN: Finland. SOMETHING LITTLE ABOUT YOURSELF AND WHY YOU THINK YOU ARE FIT TO BE ADMIN: I have started playing gmod at 2008, when i bought a game, and downloaded steam, so, i have lot of experience about gmod, and mostly, i spend time at Zombie Survival, and on zombieRP, i'm also admin on the finnish RP server on gmod, and admin on CS:S, and possibly soon in CS:GO, and, i have lot of time to play, because i have no school, or job ( :< ), so, i play about 12-18h on a day, srsly , thats mean, i have lot of time spend on server atleast 12/7, and i have seen, there is also 10~ active Finnish player, and server haven't Finnish admin, or someone who speak finland, i think, because i dont know any country where someone talk finland , and i also have mic, and, also, i can give ideas for server map / model projects, thats is my "job" i get games, etc. from other servers, with planning maps, and Zombie Escape "Bosses" what is typical in cs:s on the muro servers, and my friends make lot of maps, called "taskuvaras", but i dont do maps at myself, i just plan it, and i dont know do i type right , because i speak english very well, but typing, just isnt for me , but thanks for readin my admin application. seeyou on server