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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by Kodauer

  1. Great news! I just finished my school year, and I have tons of free time. I've decided to put the server back up. I plan to leave this server up permanently as a personal world for me to build in - also possibly expanding this to the public. Everything has been untouched - you should log in where you last logged off with all your items. I did play the world in singleplayer, so my place has a lot of additions to it. 


    Hope to see you around! Miss playing with my greenies. 


    IP: mc.kexic.net

    Livemap: http://mc.kexic.net:8200/


    Note: Factions will be added for land claiming soon. You can still use /lb tool to look up block/chest changes (though previous logs have been lost). Will be adding McMMo later, resetting all levels (lost the previous data :/). 

  2. So, due to declining interest, I've decided to shut down the survival server for now. It was a lot of fun! Thank-you to everyone who contributed and made epic things. I would keep it up, but I would rather save my own money for school related expenses (running a bit tight as of late). 


    If someone is willing to fund the server costs (about $8/month), let me know and I'll put it back up. 


    For now, here's the download to the world: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hghwe6hvqrcz79y/survivalworld.zip?dl=0


    Thanks again everyone! I had tons of fun. 

  3. 1. MC Username: AliasAr

    2. Are you willing to help out gather materials and build initial buildings for the spawn area? Probably but I can't state it as a fact.

    3. Do you agree to abide by the rules? Yes.

    4. After the whitelist is removed, will you be a contributing community member?  Depends on whether I like the server, I honestly don't know yet. EDIT: Realised that that may sound wrong, I meant I don't know if I'll keep playing. I will be a contributing community member if I do.

    5. What do you plan to do on the survival server in the long run? Come online atleast every so often, gather some materials and help some people build.


    Weird application, but accepted, I guess?

  4. Sigh



    1. MC Username: xDerpina

    2. Are you willing to help out gather materials and build initial buildings for the spawn area? If there's any help needed I will help

    3. Do you agree to abide by the rules? (see below) Yes, I will not use any hack 

    4. After the whitelist is removed, will you be a contributing community member? (ie. Be active, don't be toxic) Yes, I would really like to start this game again. When is it getting public?

    5. What do you plan to do on the survival server in the long run? Mainly just building things I guess. I others want me to help I will.


    Whitelisted you yesterday




    me and ganstermine

    have banned but we did not do annything

    tribalmind just called us theifs just becaus we were at that moment online




    What tribalmind said. You shouldn't have been lingering in his base. I don't have time for excuses or complaining, sorry.

  5. Kod, I lost all my dia

    Please reinstall the wood pick plugin


    I was watching minemaster and ganstermine on live map in my base, when I came online they both left


    I check my dia chest .., EMPTY

    I asked them both and none of them knows....


    there were multiple blocks in it and a lot of lose dia, which I need for my tools


    Please take appropriate action, and at least restart or install the block check plugin/woodpick thingy


    Thank you


    I KNEW something like this would happen. Literally 2 days ago, our hosts changed the host for our SQL server, and I didn't know until I tested it last night. The record for whoever stole your items is lost. However, since ganstermine and minemaster have other smallr grief/stealing incidents, I've gone ahead and banned them. I've given you your diamonds back. (I added up the total you took/placed into the chest - let me know if there's some other things missing). 


    I'm so sorry about this. 

  6. 1. MC Username: Little_maci

    2. Are you willing to help out gather materials and build initial buildings for the spawn area? I maybe be kinda late, but yes of course.

    3. Do you agree to abide by the rules? (see below) Of course.

    4. After the whitelist is removed, will you be a contributing community member? (ie. Be active, don't be toxic) Yes! I will be a active player like in the faction wars  :) And no, toxic is not my thing.

    5. What do you plan to do on the survival server in the long run? Buildings, everything that comes up to my mind, but not anything ugly, i wanna focus on every block i place, and do redstones,  Of course i wanna see my old friends from the faction wars server!  :) 


    *REPOST* because no one is paying attention to it.


    SO sorry, I forgot about this. Whitelisted!

  7. Hulpje and VTraxxx killed the enderdragon, credits to them!




    EDIT: Unlimited iron for everyone! Look at the amount after 1 night!!!


    LOL. This is so broken. Nice work. 





    I have a problem see

    Vergeta claimed the village in the desert after me and Ganstermine claimed the Desert

    so he is disrespecting me and ganstermine

    1. this is no disrespecting

    2. You cant "Claim" Land, and definately not a biome



    ^, except you can claim land, but certainly not an entire biome. 

  8. 1. MC Username : Elelcooldee

    2. Are you willing to help out gather materials and build initial buildings for the spawn area? Yes

    3. Do you agree to abide by the rules? (see below) Yes

    4. After the whitelist is removed, will you be a contributing community member? (ie. Be active, don't be toxic) I'll try to play as much as i can

    5. What do you plan to do on the survival server in the long run?  build cool stuff





    1. MC Username: Arild_

    2. Are you willing to help out gather materials and build initial buildings for the spawn area? Is that still necessary? If so, yes

    3. Do you agree to abide by the rules? (see below) Of course

    4. After the whitelist is removed, will you be a contributing community member? (ie. Be active, don't be toxic) I was planning to only play now and then, when I feel like it (due to other games and limited time), but I can contribute if there is a need for it. And no, toxic behavior is not my thing, so no worries there.

    5. What do you plan to do on the survival server in the long run? Build myself a base of operations (Primarily a main building from where I can operate, but multiple buildings, walls, underground areas, towers etc. may be included in the future), and playing around with some redstone to do some practice with electronic-like logic.


    Accepted. Nice to see you again. :)

  9. Hey guys, 


    I'm currently working on my underground portion of my castle (where the farms will be and such). To do this, I need a relatively large hole to be dug (trying to make it look like Erebor from the Hobbit). Anyways, the hole needs to be dug down to level 69. The outline of the hole can be seen from the picture attached and in game. If you have nothing to do or want to help, I'd appreciate your assistance! 


    I thought this would be a nice little community project. We'll be opening soon to the public (hopefully next week!)


    Anyone who helps out will get free access to my all color sheep wool farm! 


    Picture: http://i.imgur.com/s2by7mV.png

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