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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by K0VR

  1. - Your username: 0rangeGhost - Who invited you to this giveaway (If none ignore): Cena
  2. Done
  3. it's useless when you are already dead, but it still kills you and my suggestion for gamemode: it's similar to NTS but make race lapped and change car every lap instead of every checkpoint.
  4. what about busted gamemode?
  5. 1] make a delay for 2 seconds for things that happend after voting in DD. sometimes you press "C" right after the vote, but everything is happened. for example 200km/h 2] there is too much shooter gamemode being played, always someone buys SH, so SH is almost after every map. why not to make shooter in separated server, so everyone that loves it could play shooter 24/7. for example, i'm playng on MrGreen only for NTS and DD, and if i can be patient for ctf or rtf, but SH wastes too much of my time when everybody buys it
  6. i know, there is 15 secs, but it can't be shortened only to 13 secs max. so i want to ask, could this be added as horn? if so, i'll make mp3
  7. K0VR

    Advertising in PM

    ok, i'll try, wait a min
  8. [STR]MIIF mta mix server adverting a "real" way to get "real" money in PM http://prntscr.com/i6v9u5 http://prntscr.com/i6vgn5
  10. was playing for about a hour, and then i saw in chat that i joined the server
  11. Russia is here
  12. please, remove the tanks from Never The Same maps, becouse a lot of noobs didnt resumes race, and start to shoot other players
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