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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by bbgun18

  1. Thanks for all of the support guys, I hope I get this spot
  2. I agree...
  3. I don't think we can blame Mathjis for the loss of players. Hopefully that issue will be dealt with and we will soon go back to the 120 slot server back in 1.2 and have it full 90% of the time. I do however, think some of his bans were questionable but I respect his judgement.
  4. Thanks!
  5. certainly doesn't look like hacking.
  6. Thank you Balmung
  7. read the admin app rules bro
  8. Gameserver:
 Minecraft Age: 14.5 
Country of origin: United States Of America Minecraft name:
 bbgun18 Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: Hi, so I’ve been playing on this server for about a year now, and I’ve loved every moment of playtime. However, there are clearly many issues to be resolved, and I believe that I could definitely help clear those up. I spend a ridiculous amount of time on the server and therefore I have had time to observe the players and the way they interact with each other. Since I’m only in the ninth grade, I could prove a dedicated admin for years to come. Also, since my school work is fairly light now, I can spend a great deal of time helping this server out to the best of my abilities. I work well with others and would have a blast collaborating to make the server a better place. I hope that eventually, there can be numerous moderators online at once to constantly moderate players and keep the server as amazing as possible, with the best gaming experience possible for the players. I’ve also noticed that the number of regular players has gone down over the past year, and one of my main goals would be to set out to change that. I would give my best efforts to this server. Also, to stop any claims of me abusing powers (which will never happen), I will continue playing vanilla minecraft on my alternate account D0M1NN0 which would not have any access to creative mode or other such things. However, although I will still take time for myself and have fun on the server, but the majority of my time would be dedicated to my primary account. I have also seen the negative impact that PVP hacks have had on the server and as a regular server member. I have experienced them myself and despite my somewhat younger age, I believe that I could greatly help out the community. Many of the admins age from 16-30, but there are still many players on the server that range from about 8-15 that feels like they on occasion, aren’t represented as well. I am also an American!!!!. This server is deeply in need of an American admin because of the time difference. Many of the European admins are unable to moderate gameplay when most of the players in North America and South America are online. I believe that that is an important issue that needs correcting. Also, seeing Mathjis1996 administrate these past few weeks has really made me realize how big of a responsibility being admin is. I want to help him out, and I believe that I could do this extremely well. Although we overlap online at some points, I hope to be online when he cannot be. I really want to do this for the community. I am easily contactable through Skype, and on top of that, I’m online A LOT, so it shouldn’t be hard for other players or admins to get in touch with me. I’ll admit, I’ve had my ups and downs within the game, but in the end, I am dedicated to this server. There’s no other server that I would rather play on and if I get admin, I would love to be able to help out the other dedicated players out with anything they might need. Thank you so much for your time! I hope you'll consider me!
  9. Dude if you want admin. Don't argue with the players about things that are actually part of the game
  10. Just stop.
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