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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by neox.

  1. hey you, good luck
  2. @SkyBlue @theMOROCCANguy @dingo_pvp Thank you! @(O)_(O) Thank you hehe, and yeah, that's right, I'm gonna play both, I like race too ^^
  3. neox.


    I was done writing my application I was just going to write the title when I accidentally pressed enter Bah, you can't edit the title, but the people already will know that you're applying to be admin, when you specify which server and their characteristics.
  4. neox.


    Why you created another topic besides this? you could tried to edit this one and start your admin application here lol anyways good luck ^^
  5. What does it 'burn' means here? x'D
  6. Ah, well, not bad idea, it's a detail ^^
  7. Hey jedi, you mean, when you're spectating a player when you're died or just by the way of spectating, is to see their stats? their wins or something like that?
  8. Yeah, just make a skype group, add some players and try calling till it ends for being a premium use.. then just write messages, and talk.
  9. That's right too xD
  10. Maybe firewall is blocking the program and you cannot connect to a/some server/s.
  11. That's possible with skype too. Creating a group, adding some players with a skype account and make a voice call.. anyways, the idea it's not bad.
  12. Hey! Gameserver: Multi Theft Auto / MIX Age: 19 Country: Spain Steam Community Link: http://steamcommunity.com/id/xlivee8 Minecraft name: -- My name is Andrés, probably you guys already know me, I've owned some different nicks, like BelOw#, my current name is NeOx.. I have been playing in these servers since 2012, and the server that I play more is the MIX. I already have been in one clan once, and now, I'm trying to join this community. And, why I want to be admin? yes, I could say the typical sentence, to help others, be active etc... but that's obviously what an admin should do, so I just have fun playing in both MTA servers, moderate some users if they're doing wrong things. My english skills are good, possibly over 7 (in scale 1 to 10). Now, I'm trying to get a chance to be admin in the MrGreen community. And, how much time I have to be active? I'm the guy that prefers playing some times, I mean, in a day I can be playing MTA or Green servers 5 or 6 hours, obviously, not continuously. What do I do? Sometimes, when I have been playing for long time I like to create maps, post it to forums and then be uploaded to the servers. Ah, and be some active in-forums. What should I tell more? Just expect good luck to others, and obviously I hope it to me. Regards, NeOx., BelOw#. (skype123)
  13. neox.

    [DD] Surface

    I already know, I made one once, but was deleted deleted.. I'm gonna start a new one next time and add all my maps there.
  14. Hey! I've finally finished my Destruction Derby map after a couple of hours, I hope you guys like it! -NeOx. dd-surface.zip
  15. Hope you like it. Sure that it works, I've checked out everything, tested the map in my own server and the file is alright race1.zip ps: it's a NTS map
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