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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by TimbukTurnip

  1. The sun's atmosphere is hotter than its surface.

    We dont know why 0.o

    isnt it something to do with the gases on the sun?

    I guess it could be, when i heard this it was september last year, i dont know how recently they found that out but i guess they couldve come up with theories since then. Just very humid maybe?

    Another fact, sort of, but we dont know why light is affected by gravity, seeing as it is just photons.

  2. hehe... Deluv, the sun is smarter than we and the technology gets "burned" when it looks for the sun. The sun has some "black holes" on it. Not those that can suck whole star systems...

    As an astronomy enthusiast, someone who wants to work in astronomy (though is doubtful he will) and who went to work at Mullard Space Science Laboratory, and for 3 days out of 5 worked on the sun, i can tell you that these "black holes" are part of the sun's seasonal cycle. Well, not seasonal for earth but seasonal for the sun - it changes in years.

    Anyway, the sun goes through periods of inactivity (which it recently came out of, and it was longer than noraml). The periods of activity involve Solar Flares and these "black holes" that you speak of. They're actually called Sunspots. They are areas on the sun where the temperature is lower. They are also (if i remember correctly) the negative counterpart of a positive magnetic sunspot. Thats all said wrong but its hard to explain and i cant fully remember it. Basically they have magnetic properties, and whenever there is one, there is a positive one nearby. Ive seen them, they're white (who wouldve guessed?).

    All this magnetic activity and the solar flares can mess around with the earths magnetic field and damage our atmosphere/ozone, and can also mess around with electronics and cause black outs, though that is normally i bad cases. I do think they can cause adverse weather, but for the first tornado in moscow ever i would say thats more human caused global warming fucking the planet up =]

    In case anyone didnt read all that, i'll leave a little fact i learnt (one of many) at MSSL: The sun's atmosphere is hotter than its surface.

    We dont know why 0.o

  3. Lol, any kids who are too young to look at porn pictures shouldnt be playing a game, they should be running about in fields and smelling flowers while playing kiss chase with girls and playing with action man.

  4. My last name is Turner, which is close to Turnip, which used to be my nickname back in primary school.

    But back then i had a nickname just for the sake of having one. When i got into secondary school, i decided to upgrade it to Timbuk-Turnip, because i heard Timbuktu in a cartoon film thingy -a guy used it in a conversation with another guy, saying he would blow him all the way to Timbuktu (blow up with a gun or explosives, dont get excited)

    I already had the 'tu' bit of timbuktu in turnip, so i put Timbuk in front of it to create Timbuk-Turnip.

    It used to have that dash but some websites and forums and such dont allow the dash in usernames, so i eventually shortened it to TimbukTurnip, which i use for everything. My secondary name however is PieFinding Squirrel, but that is a different story.

    Ive had TimbukTurnip for 5 years now i think, and ive had positive comments about the name on xbox live and such. Only once did it have a negative comment, back in planetside when a guy said it sounded Talibanish.

    Also, i only very recently learnt what Timbuktu is from an advert on tv. Its a place in Africa =]

  5. Fact: just because it blows out more content doesn't make it better than L4D.


    Also, from what ive seen, Killing Floor doesnt neccesarily require teammates like L4D does - they help you survive but you can still have a go without them.

    And it also doesnt look as exciting as L4D - its always fun in versus to just make it to the safe room with everyones health really low after a tank battle, or for your team to kill the survivors after someone does a good distraction atatck.

    KF just looks like shoot shoot take a break shoot shoot.


  6. I just watched a few videos and i have to agree with the majority of comments. . . it looks shit.

    Theres way too many things on the HUD, the voice acting is bad, one of the machine gun thingies has an iron sight thing that looks like it was put on using MS Paint, overall it just looks badly made and boring.

    By the sounds of it, too much was put into leveling up and upgrading than into actual gameplay.

  7. Im south of London and its been fully grey clouds over the last 2 or 3 days except for one part today when the sun came out on my way home from school. Then it started raining. Its not raining now but its still fully cloudy.

  8. some time around either the end of the last academic year or the beginning of this one, a now ex friend of mine was telling me about gmod, and it sounded interesting, so i asked my soon to be step dad if he knew anythign about it, and he said it needed Half Life 2, which he had, so we installed the game on this computer and steam with it, though this is technically his steam but he hasnt used it in ages (long before i knew him i expect) so its mine now ^^

  9. Also, sorry for the crappy graphics but all my settings are on low as possible to compensate for my random ram problem. Doesnt help though, this was done in 4 fps D:

    not to be picky but isnt ram meant to be random?




    Yes the Memory is Randomly Accessed, but the problem i have with it is Random.

  10. Ok ive made one, based on a joke Andy Pasrons (comedian) said when i saw him a few weeks ago.

    Disclaimer: I have nothing against Obama and think he's awesome, though that is subject to change if the rumours ive read about him thinking of canceling plans to land man back on the moon are true.




    Also, sorry for the crappy graphics but all my settings are on low as possible to compensate for my random ram problem. Doesnt help though, this was done in 4 fps D:

  11. When i think of my best game ever my mind wants to split it into genres and give best games for them.

    So i will stick with Star Wars: Rogue Squadron 3D (yum 3D :3) as its probably what got me into gaming. It always fun to fly around as an X-wing shooting down tie fighters. Its even more fun with the Y-wing and its ion cannon, which fired as fast as the normal blaster cannons, though nowdays ion cannons are charged up shots D:

    Theres also a cheat called chicken (dont know why i remember that) where you can play as an AT-ST, though i remember you die easy and move slow :P

  12. ouch, looks like someone !rtd'ed too much and kept getting raped by the dice

    Heh, that someone didnt even knwo about gmod when he was messing up his coursework - he was wasting his time on another awesome one of a kind game instead! :P

  13. it is fun, but its only fun if you have teachers who like teaching the subject, which is why film studies is my favourite, because john, one of my tutors for it, supposedly on a weekend sits down with either a cup of tea or a beer, and watches a film and writes a 1500 word essay about it,

    and will every lesson, say about york college being the centre of excellence in the north of england

    its just little things like that which make my lessons pure AWESOME

    coursework wise, its great, ive written about "The Birds"(1963), made my own storyboards, and made a front cover, contents page and double page spread


    wow, i went incredibly off topic there, oh well


    I hate coursework, but thats mainly because i fail at it :3

    i do hate art coursework though, but again thats because i suck at art, also i cant be bothered to do it and so i take long to make a picture or whatever.

    Also i screwed up my Geography coursework as i wasnt told the deadline and so we handed it in before i had perfected it. Or even before i had done much to improve it. Plus im bad at the tests so ill probably get a D for it >.<

    And im taking it for A level as i have nothing else to take (Physics, Chemistry, Maths), how stupid is that!

    Its as stupid as using a slinky as a weapon in a nuclear battleground

  14. Heh, Year 10 was easy, i wasted it playing Planetside, which didnt help in art but im crap at art anyway so >.<

    Year 11 is harder, weve got two page worths of exams starting next week.

    But work experience at the beginning of Year 11 can be fun, if you're doing something you like (Space Science lab ftw ^^)

    i did my work experience in may in year 10, the 2 weeks before the may half term is when i did mine at a estate agents, oh yes!

    also, college is x10 harder than yr 10 & 11 combined, alot more work to be done

    Yeah but i reckon college is a lot more fun too, if you know what i mean ;)

    By that i mean you're doing the subjects you like. Not that what i said could be confused with anything else.

  15. Heh, Year 10 was easy, i wasted it playing Planetside, which didnt help in art but im crap at art anyway so >.<

    Year 11 is harder, weve got two page worths of exams starting next week.

    But work experience at the beginning of Year 11 can be fun, if you're doing something you like (Space Science lab ftw ^^)

  16. I was told a joke about Holland: Holland is flat and full of dykes.

    As dykes can also mean lesbians :P

    I went to holland when i was a member of scouts (i quit scouts last year but holland was ages ago)

    We camped over at a scout place that was unfortunatly slap bang in the middle of an industrial area.

    When you went up or down the river there were factories and such on each side and lots of smells.

    The worse smell however was actually in the town, where i was told the smell was burning animal shit.

    Whatever it was it is so far the worst smell ive ever smelt.

    The town was nice though, despite the fact that almost every shop, no matter what shop it was, had candy underwear in it :P

  17. The first game console thing i got was the original Gameboy - the big fat yellow thing. Only had mario on it.

    Some time after that i got the Sega Dreamcast with Sonic Adventures, Chu Chu rocket (which came with it) and some JRPG game. I think its JRPG but im not sure what the J is exactly.

    Im not sure what order i got the rest in but ive had all forms of Gameboy (Gameboy, Gameboy colour (i had two of those in fact, dont fully remember why) Gameboy advance, Gameboy AdvanceSP then the normal DS which i got before everyone else in the UK :P) I also got the Gamecube, the original Xbox and lastly the Xbox 360 (its shit but i dont like sony)

    However, i guess it was the second game i ever played (mario on original gameboy being the first), but Star Wars: Rouge Squadron 3D is my ultimate classic and treasured game, despite the fact i havent played it in years.

    The sequels on Gamecube were pretty crap though, but the second was better than the third.

    Ive only been a PC gamer for a year and a bit, starting with planetside which, after quiting (against my will) i was told about Gmod :3

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