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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by theMOROCCANguy

  1. /k jay camper FU
  2. that's why besweeet the legend made his topic.
  3. Don't use that,you risk to break your hand at anytime ...
  4. it looks fine on galaxy s4,liked it more on ipad
  5. borz waiting* if you know what i mean
  6. Good luck Edo.
  7. I'm ok with that,i'm just saying yes since car mods are disabled and the anti-cheat system has been updated.
  8. tl;dr IMO,even though,palestine knows israel has a good army,Gaza started by killing 3 israelites.
  9. to be fair i don't think deleting a map 'cause it's bad is a good idea,since its author took some time to make it.
  10. such barca,much messi. wow. Paintjob made by GreatAri, he simply had nothing to do.
  11. what does it do? never mind i just saw it
  12. suerte perso! no era penal
  13. i always say something that will end the topic FOREVER.
  14. Nope,not a mistake,i was spectacting him for atleast 60 secs moving there,so yeah i saw Rune that went to kill some one, While Heart was still there, I always kill the ppl who deserve it,every one is the same for me. At the end of everything,this topic will not go anywhere too
  15. 50 is ok for a laggy server like mix. leave it alone.
  16. hey man,good to see you making your app, i wish you the best luck
  17. pls don't kill me in-game,i have that skin
  18. look at me rage quiting
  19. just a small tip,take your time making maps,'cause making many maps in a fast way will be a huge waste of time.
  20. http://mrgreengaming.com/forums/topic/14450-gc-purchases-are-now-restored/ Still cant get why viini is getting even more gc than he had Every one got the gcs they earned since they joined the community (before july 13 ofc),logs can't lie.
  21. dogshit already made a map with it,gonna be awesome but i don't think all the players will like it.
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