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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by justin4356

  1. i heard of something called civcraft. Its for building civilazitions. I dont know much about it maybe you can do some research on this and see if its any good for this server.
  2. Couldn't wait for the restart hoping they would fix xraylaggplugin and just build big factions/buildings. The faction 2.0 screws everything up. Let's find a new server.
  3. soup pvp? what are you even doing on this forum. Next thing those op appels. There are enough of those factionservers.
  4. Nobody asks for things like that. Just look in the topics and you know where everybody talks about.
  5. Hello, I can't help you since I don't decide which plugin is being used and which one isn't. If you really want it to be removed, convince Clavus or pay him a bribe I know mathijs, maybe you can help us to convince him. Clavus doesn't see it cuz he aint playing. I think the movie of kodauer is evidence enough.
  6. Just try to ignore it admins. We are only the community try to make it better for everyone. Stop for once to put it under the table and discuss it and fix the problems. It has been long enough now and you guys are ruining the server this way. Get the laggplugins out or get a better host.
  7. Get the lagg plugins out and restart the map. Admins dont have the lagg we experience like in another post RedGander showed. Let them play like us and experience the horror why everybody left the server. The server has gone from awesome to shit..
  8. Its a good idea but the main reason i stay away is: The lagg and you can't hit mobs or persons without shooting an arrow first -.-
  9. Im from holland and have the same
  10. justin4356


    Only admins can fly on .nl otherwise you get kicked by the server.
  11. justin4356


    Balmung i was there it was mathijs. He threw invisibility pots on everyone so nobody knew who was the enemy anymore.
  12. its new man you didnt know?
  13. justin4356


    i've got the problem when i walk in a room with chest they look like smootstone for couple of seconds.
  14. what's the provblem? now you have something to do in your sparetime
  15. justin4356


    Everyone i speak laggs. It was the last week already pretty annoying and now it has got worse. Fix it please
  16. Pff one of our players room!? I made pure genius dare mate
  17. No, it is not. Today, player witherfang, were aboosing us. He left on my eyes like 5 times. And thre were no mob spawned in his armor and with his stuff. Plugin broken maybe? Fix fix fix. U understand that you need to hit him before he logs right
  18. I thought they ment with that rule: A tower of say 100 blocks with poring lava. I think u can use it to get the water away at the side of a house. Maybe admins need to specify that.
  19. That's just a way of trying to raid a home. It's like saying people shoot tnt at my home and want to destroy it make them stop.
  20. What's your in game name ? justin4356
  21. i claim Guesswho
  22. Mathijs, you're missing the point here. He mined for example 2 diamond blocks with silktouch. After that he went home and placed the blocks, then he grapped his fortune pickaxe to mine those 2 blocks again. I think the plugin thought he mined 4 blocks but he really only mined 2. U understand what i am saying?
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