lol it reminds me of my last year in school,in 2009. I got bad grades and got in recuperation in the final of the year.While some were already in vacation,i was studying so much to pass. In the final test,i didnt went well(even studying hard)and i got in panic.Had fear to didnt pass and then everything might over.(my pc,my life,everything)When i picked the results i got surprised. I passed for a while,but passed.If i had stoping using pc for a while it probally didn't have happened.(here school ends in december) Now my vacation is ending and school will start again.This time i will change my habits using the pc only in weekends and study each day. Retard,my advice is study harder to get better grades.I was like you before,with 60% or 70%. School is really important,i hate to study but my parents are like dictators so i have no choice.If you don't want problems give your max,good luck..