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Mr. Green Gaming


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  1. nah,350 is enough. I have +/- 205 ping,and changing the max limit to 200 would prevent that i'd play in the server,
  2. it should cost 1000
  3. that would ruin most of player's races, specially when they are battling for a position. Would be crap.
  4. what happened with the mta server?

    1. Ywa


      Working on it.

  5. Okay.. really.. suck my weiner. You're wrong zera. Bandit is one of the best admins in the server on my opinion. But as i said before,it's your responsability if you lag,so just try to evade the players to don't ruin their fun,just like i try to do.
  6. i agree with a 400 limit,cause i'm also from brazil. Anyway is totally my responsability when someone get rammed in a racing battle. Agree that must suck for some of you,but we don't have another way,and in my point of view a online gameplay it's supposed to all the world have fun. So,incoviniences like these might happen. Even having a high ping(+/-200,sometimes 300)i don't have problem with the players. I try to keep on my distance from them,cause i know i am the problem. Sometimes accidents happen but i do my max to evade.
  7. I guess that we need a topic like this,just to report cheaters or hackers instead of do a topic for report,so do it here . If you admins don't like my idea,you can delete this topic. I Start reporting [NOS]KaCaK. He has some toptimes but it is 100% sure that he cheats.
  8. sry,but what are green coins?
  9. RaO


    welcome man,i already played with ya.You have good skils
  10. i don't know you,but have a nice trip
  11. RaO


    Thanks Juggernaut,you are a nice racer too Csena,i don't know his email,he have to find mta dm for himself And i guess you forgot a lot of persons from lw. And Full,thanks for the support
  12. It used to have these kind of maps?lol,nicely it changed.
  13. RaO


    lol it reminds me of my last year in school,in 2009. I got bad grades and got in recuperation in the final of the year.While some were already in vacation,i was studying so much to pass. In the final test,i didnt went well(even studying hard)and i got in panic.Had fear to didnt pass and then everything might over.(my pc,my life,everything)When i picked the results i got surprised. I passed for a while,but passed.If i had stoping using pc for a while it probally didn't have happened.(here school ends in december) Now my vacation is ending and school will start again.This time i will change my habits using the pc only in weekends and study each day. Retard,my advice is study harder to get better grades.I was like you before,with 60% or 70%. School is really important,i hate to study but my parents are like dictators so i have no choice.If you don't want problems give your max,good luck..
  14. thanks for sharing it full,but how was said before now the champ is already going.Maybe the next? And It dont have any objetive of stealing mr green players,just to having some fun showing your skills in do records in the maps like a tournament should be.Is a different kind of fun. And the Recruit server is like a reserved server and we are running the champ in it.
  15. RaO


    thanks for the welcome btw,i've never saw you playing in the server,i want have some more challenge and saturday i am goin to the beach relax a bit. (Is summer here)
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