I already told you that I don't hack tisse. Me and Tron did several fights for fun, and he also even said that he doesn't think I use forcefield or anything. In this video, you stood behind me (while being invisible) and waited for the fight to start. I didn't know you were there (which everybody who was present at that time can confirm), and I didn't hit you with my supposed "forcefield", although you were standing right behind me. It's because I never hacked. You argumented that I just turned it off, which is unlikely though, because 1. Why would I turn it off when I was very shortly going to fight someone? 2. I had a good amount of distance to Tron, so there would be no need to turn it off in order to not be suspected, 3. I didnt know you were behind me. I will now comment on the hits I did on you. At 0:07, the fight starts, you then proceed to run directly into the battle at 0:10, between me and Tron. Thats why I hitted you the first time. I also started to notice you on that time, because of the potion bubbles which your avatar made from being invisible. Since I already had a pretty bad FPS rate and some lags, I started to get exctied, because I thought somebody tries to sabotage the fight by dealing some extra damage to me while me and Tron were fighting. I started to move my mouse around, to look out for the other opponent which was invsibile (tisse), to kill him. At the same time, I tried to fight with Tron too. If you look closely around 0:11, you can see my face facing you, while hitting you. Like I said, I spin around a bit, while having lags, I think thats the reason its not clearly regardable. The final blow, at 0:14, was a result of lag spinning and hitting around me, you can even see my avatar turning a bit to you, if you look right before the death screen shows up. It only took me 3 hits to kill him because he didn't have any armor on (because he was using invisibility potion). Like I already said, and many others said the same thing, including people who watched the fight and Tron Dog himself - I don't hack, I don't use forcefield or anything else. Of course, it's up to the admins etc. to decide whether they are going to ban me or not. That's why I won't add anything more to this, I just wanted to explain how it really went down. Thanks for reading. Gr33tz Bricanyl