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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Naseer

  1. Naseer


  2. www.youtube.com/user/NaseerAhmed7861

    1. Sneed


      How to make a Website lag or crash just by using Command Prompt

    2. Snotteh


      shhh guys he might lag or crash mr green :3 *hides under table*

  3. No lag for me mate.
  4. It's fine how it is. Because, people lag too much and they can get glitches, by the max ping they get kicked and less chance of glitching + it makes the server run more smoothly too.
  5. I don't recommend this guy, he was swearing at people Ingame today, I was watching from IRC.
  6. This has got to be the best tutorial in the world, now tell us how to close the internet
  7. Happy birthday and I would love some of that cake.
  8. This happens when many players to join at a single time, wait a minute then try to join and this error should be solved.
  9. What server are you talking about, and plus many people play on the RACE server the most and we have more than enough slots there.
  10. who plays this awesome game?, post your favourite character too. Mine is Super Gogeta SSJ4
  11. I voted no, why do we even need this, if this gets added alot of people will use the horn and it will be very noisy/annoying. There will be many trollers.
  12. Hi guys, just wanted to say, I am applying for admin very soon, I know. This is because I have alot of experience as admin on other servers and I know how to handle situations well, I just got used to this server and I think I'm ready to apply for being an admin, please wish me good luck with my application, I really hope I get accepted. Gameserver: Mr.Green MTA Race Server Age: 15 Country of origin: Scotland Link to Steam Community profile *: Minecraft name **: Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: I am a normal boy that lives in Scotland, my English is 10/10 because of this. I think I am really fit to be admin because I can speak Urdu, Punjabi, Hindi, English and French. If anyone uses non-English in the server, I will warn them and tell them that they are only allowed to speak English and/or Dutch. Another reason I think I am fit is because I am very active, alot of the times I go onto the server and they are no admins online, and I see alot of rulebreakers. I am very active and will keep the server free from rulebreakers, I promise you. Well, thanks for reading my application admins/members, I am really a good guy and I really hope that I get accepted, please feel free to leave your comments below.
  13. Naseer

    FPS Limit

    I actually think we should keep this experimental 60 FPS running for a bit longer, it could turn out to be good later on. Many people voted too keep it running.
  14. Naseer


    Hi, im new to here, I am a very good person.
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