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Mr. Green Gaming


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FMJ.MD last won the day on November 28 2024

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  1. Knul is a kind community member and, as far as i have experienced it, he keeps calm whenever someone insults him or provokes him. I've read a couple of complaints against him trolling and insulting, but i cannot relate to that. He's indeed very young, but for his age, he is a kind and mature person. Apart from maybe having trolled a few times in the server, he does behave nicely ingame. Good luck with your application.
  2. Yet what i forgot to say, is that pingeris seems like a fair player to me with a good sense of consideration, even though i don't know him that well. And he's an active player, too. Sorry for the double post.
  3. I think McRider would be a very useful and professional admin. He behaves really kind ingame and seems like a mature player to me. Good luck !! If you force others off the road, then you are a douche in the eyes of professional gamers, but after all, i think ramming is not forbidden. Sometimes, it's not avoidable and somewhere it's also part of race. If ramming would not be part of race, why don't we just activate gm all the time? I know what you mean. You mean the people aiming to ram other players off the street, but it's very difficult to see the difference between accidental ramming and ramming on purpose.
  4. Good luck, Jude is a nice community member.
  5. Just as Moroc and Jude said, never seen him at least once chatting ingame. I know that an admins task is not to chat all the time, but an admin should communicate with players. Maybe you should join the conversations a little bit more, even though sometimes people just write bullshit in the chatbox. Good luck!
  6. Very nice old song! 8/10
  7. 4/10
  8. A very tight curve on a map where ghostmode was disabled. Here's the result :
  9. I like the new chat system, it makes sense and makes the main chat more comfortable for everyone in the end. But in the end, i think BinSlayer is right. I have also experienced the change from dp2.3 to MTA 1.0 and what he says is true. There was a highly popular server in dp2.3 that lost a huge amount of players in 1.0 because of its new strict rules, "only english in the main chat" was one of them and i experienced that it pissed the players off enormously. As i've said, i think that the rule is nice and makes sense, but just like BinSlayer says, people are going to be annoyed by all the muting.
  10. FMJ.MD

    Race Maps

    Have you driven the map? The airport lines are meant to be missing there, I set a Puma Marker at the beach part so you can swim on the water with your car.
  11. FMJ.MD

    Race Maps

    Another new map along a sea in Los Santos/County. ~34 Checkpoints, about 2:30 length. Also Puma Markers included(weather etc.) Kinda simple race map this time. as-water.rar
  12. Just paste the link here, it is recognized as youtube video automaticly and converted into a common "youtube window".
  13. 7/10. Really impressive
  14. FMJ.MD

    Race Maps

    Another map made by me. Looks really neat, about 3:20 length and 28 checkpoints. I put much effort into it. Custom model objects and Puma markers included. Pictures: a-castle.rar
  15. 6/10, but only because i overlistened it... Very much truth behind this track:
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