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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by Sky

  1. Sky


    I sometimes get the mode even tho my ping is stable 50-60 and fps stable 50-60 lol
  2. Sky


    Hi. So some players in CTF often spawn in blocker mode. They can be pushed around and can't push anyone else. This bug appeared, i think, when blocker mode has been added. Try fixing it if you can Also, happened twice already, when the 3rd player dies the vote starts. The other two players left alive don't get any reward and the map that's voted starts. Weird. Peace, Sky~
  4. Sky

    f3 bug

    get a bigger screen or change resolution u potato pc user 1440x900. Full resolution settings. Duh.
  5. Sky

    f3 bug

    Also, happens to me sometimes when i want to select a person to pm, the message window pops up hugely oversized over my whole screen and i can't close it however i try. The only way to solve that is to reconnect.. xD
  6. sexy/10
  7. SkaYeH life be like c:

  8. First of all, you didn't provide any proof of what happened.
  9. Hello. So this CarGame mode has been added to the MIX server. The system makes CarGame (cg) mode appear either 2/3 times during SH, or 1/3 times. Because cg has been added, I have spotted, that skipping SH has increased. Some players like the new mode, some players hate it, and maybe some players like it the way it is (switching between cg and normal sh during the sh map) So, I suggest making a voting topic on the forums with these options: 1.Make CarGame a seperate gamemode; 2.Remove CarGame; 3.Keep it the way it is now. Me, personally, would like to make CarGame a seperate gamemode or remove it, because skipping SH is really annoying for me Peace, Sky~
  10. Make it a seperate gamemode with it's own seperate rounds, because it's annoying for a lot of people.
  11. What if i told you..

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. HeArTBeaT


      dont give me that cospiracy theory bullshit :P

    3. eatmychildren


      That the world was a noose and we all hang our head in the end.

    4. Maher


      that you are going to be the best beatboxer in the world? xD

  12. 1.5 comes > Server managers: OH LOOK, WE CAN ADD NEW SHIT AND DELETE EVERYTHING! > Good old players leave.
  13. I haven't seen the inside of the casino in a LONG time. Also, disable resampling in Vegas . I do disable resampling for every video from now on, thanks for the tip, really makes the stuff look better Cheers
  14. Ello. I made another montage, hope You enjoy it
  15. lol, it's not for stealing the fire. It's for stealing another player's health if you're on fire.
  16. So i got this health transfer perk, which should steal another person's health if you're on fire and you hit him. I was on fire a lot of times and hit other cars, the result was that that car catched on fire and i didn't get his health and remained being on fire. Tho i noticed that if you hit the same type of car, for ex: Flash hits a Flash, this bug happens, but if you hit an Infernus with a Flash, the perk works. I'm not sure if this happens always, but from what I've noticed the last few days, it does.
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0NCQntmtapA
  18. Gluck Megaz
  19. about the play again thing, NOPE. Also would be great if there would be bigger GC rewards for certain lenght NTS tracks.
  20. Sky

    Anton /k abuse

    Yes, protect your best friend. But what happened there was nothing like it. He specially killed me, even tho Miau was camping, I was trying to reach him but he abused the rules. He should of killed Miau too, but he didn't.
  21. Sky

    Anton /k abuse

    Hey, Sky here. So i was playing SH undercover, coz a lot were hunting me with a name Kali_Muscle. Miau went up the mountain to camp, i wanted to get up there too. While i was going up, Anton knew Miau camped up here and wanted him to proceed. He killed me and cleared the passage for Miau, saying "Miau go" Here's the SC of the chat: So he kills "noob" players and keeps the ones he knows, same goes to some other admins or moderators.
  22. 'Luck kitty
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