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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by eatmychildren

  1. If Turkish players try to abuse it then they'll be banned for good. All it takes is a button to take a screenshot. edit: @Neox But what if the min votes for kick is 10-12? Reduces the possibility of getting votekicked for no reasons. We're asking for votekick to deal with the timed out players.
  2. I honestly wish SDK could actually do something about this issue. Lets face it, Mr.Green MTA has quite a number of admins but most of them aren't online on the server 24/7 even if they are, They don't play for much more than an hour or so and then shit like this happens on the server and all we have left is the moderators who can't do anything but watch. There's only one way to solve this problem, Give the mods the goddamn /kick privilege. Come on, Whats the big deal? If you're never ever going to do it then like what SkyBlue said, At least add the /votekick command, and I'm pretty sure someone's probably gonna back it up and say "HURR DURRR DONT ADD VOTEKICK CAUSE PLAYERS WILL ABUSE IT HURURHURURHU" No.
  3. haha, It happens again and no admins on but a mod but hey, He cant do shit about it. Edit: Consider lowering the ping limit to 300.
  4. As a person that's coming from the same country you're from I've never experienced this problem. But if you're being honest here then there's only one way to fix this issue and thats by giving the mods some extra privilege cause admins aren't always online on the server. And for Kalra, Try some connection tweaks perhaps (With TCP Optimizer perhaps) that might help you lower your ping a little bit.
  5. That's the point here, He doesn't rejoins. so that he can farm GC. Dude has earned shit loads of GC from this bug and there's no admin online forever. So, Yes, Giving mods the ability to kick should be mandatory.
  6. When will this issue ever be solved? There's this guy that has been abusing this bug for a while. I hardly doubt this can be filed as a report so please, the sake of god please give mods the ability to kick players out or do something about this issue. Thanks!
  7. Made a little MLG horn pack for MTA as the old ones got really boring. All mp3s are of lower bitrate to keep the size less. Cheers! mlghorns.rar
  8. Edit: Please be aware that the forums is not a place to argue. You're banned because you camped alot. Now leave.
  9. Very well, Enjoy your ban while being a pro. Good day, Lad.
  10. Apologies for starting new thread as the other one was closed. [KUT]Req was banned a few moments ago by Cena and he's evading it by joining from another computer. Screenshots provided:
  11. Sometimes he does but you couldn't notice because you were busy playing but the video says it all! Also, How many days does one gets banned for camping? Just curious to know. Thanks for taking your time for this.
  12. 1. Name of the players: [KUT]Req, [KUT]Sp3c94 2. Name of the server: Mr.Green Mix 3. Reason why he/she should be banned: Both these players are camping excessively everyday and some admins refuse to even give a shit, Well, By Cena to be more accurate, He refused my previous report on Req he said this and I Quote: Well then, What is the /report command for anyway? consider removing that since admins don't encourage players reporting campers and blockers. But anyways, This isn't about Cena, This is about [KUT] campers. I've decided to record these players as it'll augment the chances of getting them banned for good. This video is merely a fragment of their camping. [KUT]Req is found camping in almost every single DD, SH round. When asked to stop camping he insults me back so as a player I can't do much but report here. I hope admins do something about these guys and be more active on the server because these campers are getting out of hand. There are more campers like [KUT]Req which I will report very soon. Thank you for taking your time to notice this report. Good day! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jh9ayJFIR-E&feature=youtu.be ps: many apologies for the glitch in the video, I'm fairly new to Sony Vegas and It had a bit of rendering error which I couldn't manage to fix. :X - EMC
  13. ermahgerd!!! Good Luck Matiasz :DDD
  14. Ihonestlywouldn'tcallthatgarbagemusicthereforeicannotrateitlol/10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8r-p2L4twmw UK GARAGE REPRESENT!
  15. Welcome to Mr.Green Mix where your in-game reports don't matter. http://imgur.com/3h9Szh0

    1. eatmychildren


      So here I am playing in mix as usual and see this dude named "[KUT]Req" camping for eternity. I asked why he's not doing anything about the campers and this is what he says. As an admin he's job is to kill campers and keep the server moderated but nope. Why would he kill Req? He's his team after all. Further more, His "edgyness" for a lack of a better word is uncanny. But oh well, Just had to let this out. Prob gonna record this dude camping 24/7 and post it up her...

    2. eatmychildren


      That's sad but oh well.

  16. can i play vehicle stealer part five in my potato pc?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. neox.


      I've got my expectations to run it at 30 fps (like consoles) but anyway it's for PC so daym

    3. AfuSensi
  17. 8/10 Ah, Nice to see a Drum n Bass Listener here. RAM Records is full of talented beasts. This is by far the best release from RAM Records (For me). DC Breaks is a fucking gangster.
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