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the based life, bein chill
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1. Okay - that makes sense and I can change that. Coming from samp scripting I have pretty much no knowledge of how MTA works under the hood, so basically my b on that. 2. so I'm assuming this was a result of the lag? If I space 8-10 spawns out just on the highway (ie no extra platform) should that be enough room to alleviate lag? In singleplayer the design of the loop makes it pretty easy to get through but i can definitely see how lag could mess that up. 3. Didn't I do that? I at least tried to...perhaps I messed up the zip file or something. Just to check - did ghostmode/instant respawn work?
Hey yall. I occasionally make MTA maps when I'm bored and they're usually boring coasters! Heres one I made recently with just my laptop trackpad. It sucked. "A Slow Train Coming" (no actual trains involved) I'm sorry I have no idea how to resize images with this forums code. If there is a way, let me know. Otherwise, I hope you don't mind a few broken tables, as it were. Well it did it by itself. I'll use thumbnails next time... Here's where you start. Majestic. the first element. it looks weird but it works super well and is pretty much the only reason i uploaded the map. i took a lot of pics but idc i was mostly just having fun taking cool screenshots lol the first helix. its a bit overbanked so it requires some finesse. turn lightly, and try to go a little to the right on your way through. turnaround valley a jump that goes up through the helix. i really like coasters that interact closely with the environment and themselves. hopefully some people are at the helix when some people are taking the jump, but they're pretty far apart. landing. all the jumps run pretty short so its best to ease off as you hit them, though going full speed doesn't wreck you. hugging the environment banked turn what up the trenches yeah duh of course it makes sense to have a crane next to a jump in suburbia. and plus, it's totally feng shui with that helix. again, the landing runs really short, but full speed doesn't mess you up. an interesting element. the trick to do it is to just let the track take you. once you start banking the track does almost all of the work for you. easy jump - you just have to be ready thought this was a pretty sweet picture. its a banked turn! (looking backwards at it) sweeping into another banked turn final descent gotta be quick, even at the end. it ends here - its fun to see how far you can get off the jump. i have rolled to the buildings on the other side of the watts towers. Anyway, that's my map. I think its alright. I enable ghostmode and made respawn 0 seconds and hopefully that saved correctly, because I've had some problems with the map editor. it should have 40 spawns and be glitch free, but if its not I can fix it real quick. En joy brahs. catshit-slowtrain.zip
7/10 because it's busta rhymes. He's absolutely 100% insane and I love him. Unfortunately his newer music is definitely not as good, and this video is only funny in a stupid way and not funny because they intended it (watch his videos for "Break Ya Neck" and "Give Me Some More" - they're very well done). Here is a song called "Bombay" by a Spanish producer called "El Guincho". He makes a sort of tropical dance music - almost like animal collective in some ways. I'm including a vimeo link because it has better quality for the music video and it is one of the greatest music videos I've ever seen (NOT SAFE FOR WORK!!!! [there are some topless women]). The video seems very confusing, but the imagery goes great with the song and there are some cool juxtapositions. Apparently there will be a full length movie, and its just a reaction to the album from which the song comes. In this video he presents it like Carl Sagan's "cosmos" (thus the 70's TV look), but as an exploration of life/feelings rather than astronomy. I could discuss it forever but I should just shut up haha.
yea my b. to be fair i have an awful attention span and probably couldn't read my own posts, but when i start writing about politics or philosophy or things i kinda know about i black out and wake up like 5 paragraphs later.
4/10. Gotta say i was expecting jpop or something from the image. I was hoping it would be some sick 93-94 type jungle (sounded like jungle at first), but yeah i don't really like gabber or whatever that type of music is called. it would be good in a live setting or something tho just cause its so energetic. whoops heres the link: my favorite performance of my favorite song of all time.
I love that gif. I agree that things are weird about this whole thing, just cause even if the whole thing is exactly as the administration says, then we really just don't know how ppl are going to react. I think if the administration is disguising the truth about something, its probably in how the operation was carried out, and not the result. Usually they try to keep executive ordered assassinations secret haha. But I don't think that its really going to make him a martyr - at least not to anyone who didn't already support him 100%. I think most ppl had already decided their stances on the issue. Just because I prefer transparency, I'm glad they're open about it (tho assassinations ordered by a government always feel a little weird to me). Interesting story: There is one captured terrorist who claimed that his cell had a nuke in europe that they would detonate if OBL was ever captured or killed. Now this guy was proved to be not credible on many issues, and liked to take claim for things that either never happened or didn't do. However, it's still a possibility. But again, I think that for the people high up that are actually organizing terrorism and putting it into effect, it really doesn't change much. He was just a face for terrorism, and he was on his way out anyway. Eh, hard to say. Not much we can do but wait and see :/
ahaha. on the video broadcast i really wanted him to walk up with a straight face, pause, go "WOOOOOOOO FUCK YEA", fist pump, turn around and leave. maybe like break a chair or something on the way out. besweet - fair enough. i think i may have overstated my position a bit. i usually don't like using short quotes to support arguments, but i think my position could be summarized as: "I've never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure." -Mark Twain. Although I wish there was a better way, i'm not particularly broken up about him being gone I guess what I feel more strongly about is the way america tends to behave abroad, but that's for another time. ultimately, the world will go on and we have plenty of other things to deal with, too. such is life.
okay so you ignored the fact that I said osama's clearly a bad person but in many other more ambiguous cases that doesn't function as a good metric, thus proving exactly what i said that it only really makes sense in extreme cases. if you think good/bad is a clear and simple dichotomy then you aren't thinking critically. I actually think the only proper way to celebrate his death is to get wasted and scream USA and such - because the only way his death is good is from a sense of revenge, which i'm saying can be arguably good, but I think is still weird. As much as we'd like to think, Osama isn't the reason for wars. He might be the pretense, but not the reason. In fact, I don't think he was even close to a threat - he was just a puppet. He was one terrorist who simply provided a face for a group of highly splintered terrorist cells which he funded thru daddies money. Terrorism won't go down because he's dead. The people in those countries were more affected by the US dropping bombs and shit all over the place than by terrorism. And even that weren't true, his death doesn't stop the incredible instability created by both wars and terrorism. IMO we shouldn't celebrate the deaths of people, but feel a sense of relief about the problems that may end when they're apprehended/dead. Yes, that can include happiness, but the life of that person was never important - its what they did. I would rather celebrate the ending of the slaughter of millions of jews than the death of the person who caused it. But i don't think i would celebrate much at all - especially in the case of my mom's hypothetical death. If the person died, I would I guess maybe feel relief that they wouldn't kill another person (depends on the circumstances tho) but i would more just be emotionally fucked because my mom's gone, nothings gonna bring her back, some family just lost a member who may have done awful things but was still a human, and the world is overall a shitter place. (also i think the death penalty has a bunch of other problems but thats beside the point) Anyway, I'd like to reiterate that Osama's a piece of shit and i really have no sympathy for him. But celebrating the death still seems a bit morbid to me - and focused on the wrong issue. On the 'is he dead' note - I don't think obama would risk pulling something that stupid because that just sets bin laden up for the perfect opportunity to undermine the US, obama, and like everything. I'm gonna go ahead here and say he's dead. Also I know I'm writing really long walls of text I'll try to cut down on that and I might not even be back here for a bit because I'm ignoring too much school work haha. EDIT: terminator i'd assume ur referring to me as a 'moralfag'? edit2: im not trying to turn this into a shitstorm by any means. i just like talking about stuff i guess (or maybe just hearing myself talk haha)
Huh? Why? I disagree with you but I want to understand your position more. Was the eyeroll smiley making fun of your own position or was it asserting the obviousness of it? I disagree with the statement on a very basic level in that I don't think killing, even if its justified (like in self defense or what have you) should be celebrated. It seems kind of perverse. Like, other than fulfilling some sense of revenge (which you can definitely make arguments for being a legitimate need) how is the world any better off? Now let me qualify this statement by saying that I'm not exactly torn that he's dead haha. And I don't even think his death was wrongful - he went down firing. But I guess my point is that celebrating the intentional death of a human being, however pitiful, only contributes to instability at large. It says that we can only solve problems arising from violence with similar acts of violence, which basically just means we're killing each other forever. But moreover, when should a death be celebrated? How do you make that judgement? I mean, you posit one metric - doing more wrong than good, but that seems problematic. It begs the question - how do we judge "wrong" and "good". For Osama, that seems pretty obvious to us. But in other cases, people have done both good and bad, but its really not clear how we should regard their legacy. Overall, I guess it just seems a little morbid to me to celebrate the idea that people we successfully killed people. It just seems that its never a goal that ends up in happiness... If our posts are gonna clog this up too much we can take it to PMs or something but I do like having large, open discussions.
Okay, you guys got me there. But still, most of the killings (non-civilian, which are quite unexplainable) were done for the right reasons. What initially happened on 9/11 was for all of the wrong ones. Still. Everyone should just be happy that he's [supposedly] dead (albeit there's no proof)... I will say that I'd rather him be dead than in power, but just because I think it does reduce violence overall. But I don't rejoice in the fact that he is dead - he probably would have been of more value alive. Plus, using revenge to satisfy international disputes just contributes to a cycle of violence. Also: according to wikipedia for the afghan war: "Civilian deaths: 14,000-34,000 approx." according to wiki for 9/11: Death(s) Approximately 3,000 (including 19 hijackers) Now granted it's not as clear cut as that, and I could write about the topic of moral protectionism, valuing lives unequally, american imperialism, post colonial legacies, cyclical violence, terrorism, and the veil of 'collateral damage' for days, but I have a paper due in in 20 min that im still correcting haha. So with that said, I'm just going to post what I posted on my local newspaper's website this morning:
There isn't only one source for this. It's from many papers and pictures that show what the U.S. forces did in the Middle East. There's also WikiLeaks sustaining the fact. I ain't going to bother listing "sources". Just google it/dig: One of many examples ... PS: There are also so called "interviews" from soldiers that explain what's really going on there. Oh well. Unfortunate for them. Sometimes you have the urge to kill. Oh well, too bad for the US citizens who died during 9/11. Sometimes you have the urge to kill. Seriously how is that not hypocritical as hell? Is it because brown people don't matter? Please, tell me. There are plenty of (imo still wrong) ways to justify collateral damage associated with military action but you picked literally the worst defense.
You're an idiot. Depression is a chemically imbalanced state of mind that people don't have control over. It's not just "being sad", its an actual health issue. Much of the time the brain of a depressed person won't go back to normal without the use of medication and therapy in combination, regardless of other external stimuli (ie experiencing things that "should" make you feel happy). Most suicides happen in whats called a depressive episode, which is a more temporary thing. If a person can get through the episode without committing suicide, then their chance of not committing suicide (for that episode) goes down enormously. I'm just saying, don't talk about things (much less call people suffering from disorders 'weak') without knowing about them. And I can tell with 100% certainty that you don't know the smallest thing about psychiatry because what you said is a very wrong thing. I know this seems harsh but what you said is really offensive and you deserved to be called out for it. If you know anyone who is depressed or especially suicidal, or if you have felt suicidal thoughts yourself, I beg you to please get that person/yourself to talk to a psychiatrist. Having depression doesn't make you a worse or weaker person. I know firsthand - it runs in my family (also my mom is a psychiatrist who has written two books on depression, which granted were published on a pretty small scale). A good psychiatrist shouldn't make you feel uncomfortable and should be able to understand and be able to explain what the patient is going through, and accordingly set up a treatment plan. It really can be day and night - people who wouldn't even get out of bed because theyre so depressed can function perfectly fine with good treatment. EDIT: Yoshi, i really probably shouldn't be shooting in the dark for a diagnosis as im not a doctor but it seems like you may have OCD which often manifests itself in depression. It's good that you are able to see happiness in the world (especially in the form of something so selfless as giving ) but also self mutilation is a really bad and destructive answer to problems. If you or any single person here wants to know more about these things or needs someone to talk to about anything like this feel completely free to private message me. I will answer any question to the best of my ability and if I can't answer it I can always ask my mom. I just don't want anyone to feel weak or inferior because they are thinking and feeling things that they cannot control.
Yeah this idea is pretty unfeasible and kind of dumb. Most people like to play a variety of maps. Nobody wants to play fun maps all the time. Plus having maps like those integrated can help the flow of the races. I agree there are sometimes too many, or maps that are just poorly made, but the solution isn't to just take them all out. Also, not all maps clearly fall into either "fast racing" or "fun" categories. It would be impossible to sort even if it was a good idea. Ratings don't distinguish between those categories - in fact the ratings are usually pretty random. I think the solution is to just add more pure racing maps, in which case get making. Or tweaking the voting system could help. imo we should bring back the voting system for maps where you can choose maps, but only have two maps or play again to choose from (but you can see the rating obviously). but thats mostly a different topic.
lol my point was just that he is demonstrating that he can drive well enough to get the times that he has gotten. I'm supporting hijack. And yea, I'm serious about advice if you have any. I mean, obviously a lot of it is just playing the game so you get a feel for the vehicles, but I'm sure theres somethings I could consciously work on (turns, especially).
The point of the videos is to show that his skill is real. It's to show he doesn't need sobeit or whatev for the times he got. Regardless, you are really fucking good, hijack. Esp. that bike jumps video. Do you have any racing advice in general?