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Mr. Green Gaming


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RudeDude2140a's Achievements

  1. - Race - ChrML Hard - Map has a high dislike rate and there is a part that is nearly impossible to complete with out dying.
  2. The same thing also happens to me.
  3. Is there a way that I can get rid of the box that pops up on the right side of the screen when somebody finishes the race? It shows the order that people finish in, but it serves no purpose since there is already a list on the left side of the screen that does the exact same thing without being so intrusive. I would like to remove this large green box because it severely reduces my vision while I'm trying to finish the race.
  4. Thanks!
  5. Today somebody was playing music constantly through their microphone, and it was extremely annoying. Is there a way for me to block the microphone communications of this person from reaching me?
  6. Why all of the sudden today can I not use F7 to make the progress bar on the right-hand side of the screen to disappear? People's usernames are too long, and they extend into the area of the screen where I need to see. Every time I join one of the two servers, the first thing I do is press F7 to get rid of it. I even checked the list of commands. The rest of the ones that have always been there are there, but the F7 one is gone. Please bring that option back.
  7. How do I change my username in-game?
  8. That sounds about the timeframe during which my computer was running out of space, so I guess that is what happened. Thanks for the info. I will try this, but I think SDK's explanation is correct. Thanks for the help!
  9. I only have one account. I sign in with my "old" username and password, but it shows MurkyCurio76 on the screen. I have no idea what happened as I have never made another GC account.
  10. I recently got a much-needed new PC. Over the past several months, I've been playing on the MrGreenGaming servers and racked up some GC under the username RudeDude2140a. When I press F6 and log in, it accepts my old username and password (the same one for the forum and GC site). However, the first time I logged in with the new computer, I was automatically assigned a different username (MurkyCurio76) which shows up in-game. All my GC and car customizations were gone too. Is there a way that I can recover my old progress? Even if that isn't possible, how can I get rid of this stupid username?
  11. Thanks! It definitely gave me a direction in which to head so I can solve the problem.
  12. I've been playing on the race server for about four or five months now. All of the sudden with the new MTA v1.4, the race server kicks me, and a window pops up that says the following: Disconnected: You were kicked by (Remove your 185 mods. Only .txd mods allowed) I used to have mods, but long before I even got MTA I uninstalled the mods and put back the respective original files which I backed up. I'm also pretty sure that I didn't have anywhere near 185 mods. Someone please help!
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