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Mr. Green Gaming


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Posts posted by LoveWeed

  1. Hola Emi es froyax , vengo a darte una ayudita , si vas a empezar a subir mapas , pues seguidos o algo , te recomiendo que hagas un (1) solo post , no vas a empezar a subir puros post (mapa sh by emi , mapa dd by emi) eso fue  ejemplo , has como yo Maps Mix/Server By froayx , allí , y despues subes todos tus mapas en ese post para asi no tener problemas con warp y la cosa , ya ellos acomodaran esto pero te lo digo para ayudarte , buena suerte con tus mapas bro :D


    PD: Lee las reglas xD

  2. Game Server: MIX/MTA
    NickName: Froyax


    Real name:  Josué Guerrero
    Age: 16
    Country of origin: Venezuela
    Average weekly playtimeI am normally very active in the server, i play 3-5 hours per day, and weekends, 4 to 6 hours
    Link to Steam Community profile*:  N/A


    Minecraft name **:N/A


    Languages able to communicate in:  Español - Middle English (I am perfecting)-I want to learn, French, Portuguese


    Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: 


    Well, one of my reasons is that I see that this community is constantly growing, and as it grows, new players appear, and with this aparecen jugadores those who are considered cheaters, trolls , hackers etc. this leads to the breaking of rules,like other players who want to be managers say, there are always players who win for an error, or we see any maps with errors in them. And as we know, when an administrator left the server, this occurs. I am a friendly person, I like to help other people, ie I am willing to help all new players and explain rules, what is wrong in the game, which is fine, etc. I've had management experience in other games, oh yes, I'm aware of the work it takes to do this role. In addition to being an administrator, I aim to be friendly with the community, be friends with everyone, not just the server requires an administrator pure enforce rules also need a friend who will listen and help you solve your problems or as much as possible. and so, I am aware of what I have to be an administrator, so I ask you this opportunity to accept me, and so help this community and continue to grow, thanks for your attention.


    Things about me: I'm 16, I live with my mother in Venezuela, i practice soccer, the days, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, I'm in high school,if they see me in the game, I was busy ,studying, practicing, doing chores or would not have internet , so my hobby is to be on the MTA.think I'll stick around long time


    PD:Sorry if it was a bit long post, but I want to clarify my expectations, ignore my mistakes, nobody's perfect, thanks for reading.  :D  :D

  3. hey, today I have not uploaded map, but make this post poruqe need some help, I need answers are varied ah my questions, if I can help thanks.


    1)I open the meta.xml with notebook, I wonder if there are any errors when using this program because it almost always meta.xml * my * are bad, and because I want to do a good job not to cause discomfort.


    2)Speaking of this topic of the meta.xml, to see if I could pass the example of the, rtf and the shooter, poravor, I know this in relgas, but not quite understand


    3)I use software for maps, but nose and add them to meta.xml, I know the rules say, but do not quite understand, I think the * import * used, but nose and put it either in the text


    I do this because they do not want to cause more problems to warp, is that correct me while cadsa and is fastidious, and that he also annoys him, and then why do this to avoid more problems with my maps, well, thanks for helping I'm in my last months in maps, and thanks for putting up, :D

  4. hey, well, there were problems with the maps by the target but you change it, warp if you want to try the maps are above normal but the goal changed, and fits 3, there are 2 maps with music, please if there is a problem with music or something diganme to accommodate and learn from those mistakes, thanks




    -So the meta.xml maps so there are no complications


        <info  gamemodes = "race"  racemode = "rtf"  type = "map"  name = "RTF-Pro-v4"  author = "Froyax"  version = "1.0.0" ></info> 
        <map  src = "RTF-Pro-v4.map"  dimension = "0" ></map>
    -And so I put the meta.xml with music
        <info  gamemodes = "race"  racemode = "rtf"  type = "map"  name = "RTF-Pro-v5"  author = "Froyax"  version = "1.0.0" ></info> 
        <map  src = "RTF-Pro-v5.map"  dimension = "0" ></map>    
        <script src="music.lua" type="client" />
        <file src="music.mp3" />
    I put this in case there are any errors, correct them and thus not upload, upload so well done, Ty :D  ;)




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