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Mr. Green Gaming


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Alenator last won the day on August 2 2015

Alenator had the most liked content!


About Alenator

  • Birthday 10/05/2000

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  • Location
    Slovenia, Maribor
  • Interests
    Sport(football, basketball, biking, cross country skiing, tennis), production at music, GTA Series, Heroes & Generals, listen EDM

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  1. Server: Race Map Name: Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Reason: Delete (like:7 dislike:36), players hate it and me to.
  2. Updated! Can't Feel My Face 00:09 Eurodancer 00:06 Firestone 00:12 Hahahaha Minions 00:03 In A State Of Trance 00:14 King 00:07 Sugar 00:11 Some of them I do not know where to cut to make it shorter. Alenator Custom Horns Pack #2.rar
  3. Can't Feel My Face 00:09 Eurodancer 00:12 Firestone 00:21 Hahahaha Minions 00:03 In A State Of Trance 00:14 King 00:16 Sugar 00:11 Are they maybe too long? Alenator Custom Horns Pack #2.rar
  4. Good Luck! Best mapper ever (for now)
  5. 10/10
  6. Server: Race Map: ChrML Hard Reason: really hard map Likes: 39 Dislikes: 215
  7. Hi Megas! I had a same problem with RCG. How I fixed it? I have deleted map folder and start editing map again. I did that, because I have just 4 roads in map. I do not know, if this helps you. Try restart MTA or save map in new folder.
  8. Gameserver: MTA San Andreas Mr. Green Race/Mix Age: 15 Country of origin: Slovenia Link to Steam Community profile *: - Minecraft name **: - Little something about your self and why you think you're fit to be admin: My ingame name is Alenator and real name Alen. I am playing Mr. Green Race/Mix 3 years (17.5.2012 - 17.5.2015). I know a lot of players, admins and maps. I want to be a moderator, because I want to help to players (specially to new players), learn them racing, making maps, something new and of course remove blockers and insulting people. I am working on my English and on racing to getting better and better. I never blocked or killed anyone, because blocking and killing without reason is disrespectful for me. I am usually on server 12:00-20:00 (GMT +02:00). If I become a moderator, I promise that I will be more respectful, helpful and more communicative to players. YOU DECIDE
  9. Hello! I have a problem with RCG (RollerCoaster Generator). When I put control point somewhere, I can not choose object which I want.The only object is trash bin (BinNt07_LA). I can not change object. RCG only works on 1.0 or on 1.5 to?
  10. Now works. I have some problems with Windows.
  11. Replace them please. race-always.zip race-night-party.zip
  12. Hello guys! Now I went to Map Editor and that (Stroth's Veeeeery Strong Magic) Stroth's Paintjob was removed from Sultan. Obviously it appears when you play map "Stroth Power". I do not know why that happened. I think It is a little bug. But does not matter. Matter is that will remove pj, when you reset or turn off MTA for some time. Alenator
  13. H! I have a problem. When I played map "Storth Power", saved me his paintjob on Sultan. When I went in map editor to create new map, I saw that. Paintjob sometimes show me on server to. Who remove it? VIDEO BELOW Alenator | | | | | | \/ Problem.wmv
  14. Sorry, but does not work again^^
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