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Mr. Green Gaming


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Everything posted by ElTigere

  1. so ... I played last night and there were quite alot of people on so i dont think that ZS is completely dead but the coding makes it kind of unplayable, the HUD is fine but just add some things from the good 'ol times and some1 who is willing to redeem this gamemode. And if that is fixed we can get the community back. If there is one God Emperor who can bring this server back i am sure as hell that i am gonna crowbar some fools again
  2. ElTigere


    DO IT! I miss ZS :,(
  3. I need zs in my life, since the server was dead i only lost money with CS:GO gambling :/ Iam €3000'poorer now *ties a noose* Bring it back plese
  4. Bring back : zs_seclusion zs_siege_v6 zs_raunchyhouse_opt_v2 All the subversive maps zs_plaza_opt zs_nowhere zs_darkvilla zs_darkvilla_v2 zs_ambush_v2 zs_ambush_v4 zs_natalyas__cottage_r zs_barren zs_clav_wall zs_arena_fridgeofdoom_v1 zs_dockhouse
  5. Best of luck M8 yayayayyayayayaya
  6. yh but 1 missclick and you lose half of your hp ...
  7. yep totally agree we need time to buy from the crate , its so hard if you need to buy something when there are 10 zombies chasing you ...
  8. Hmmm you can add an option at f4 to select your favorite weapon, fav meleeand fav tool ? So you can single click buy em too ?
  9. The skillshop is good for cading maps because you got some time to browse in the shop but its gonna be an issue on the running maps i died 2 times yesterday because i was in the shop browsing and got killled/stucked in the boss
  10. First Things First : FIX GETTING STUCK IN BOSSES FFS !!!!!!!! (sry caps xD)
  11. zs_deadhouse good ol running map
  12. -Minor change Gravedigger buff? (melee is useless) -ill suck a dick xD plz
  13. Anyone knows when the update is coming ?
  14. @Lejorah make a damn admin application then ...
  15. Aleks come back plz y u do this to me i need you
  16. Agreed .
  17. I agree w reiska i want a round where i can touch a damn boomstick again i miss it Do a headshot bonus of 10sp instead of 5 same for meleeing a headcrab
  18. Do you get full hp everytime you rejoin ?
  19. Nice what was the problem ?
  20. Server down ?
  21. one more small thing for the melee (crowbar) : you cant kill a zombie w/ a crowbar + zerker buff who does his 2nd chance (52hp) - i think you can atleast one shot a zombie who does his 2nd chance
  22. I think the full name was :zs_energybunker_v2 . Ask lameshot for more info
  23. Lameshot started this map called : energybunker, most if the people liked it Idk if it is in the map cyclus allrdy
  24. Aight ,thanks man
  25. Also pls fix the map cyclus, i dont fucking care how raunchy , nastie or ugly these houses are !!! Please add some maps (that dont end w the word : house ) 3/4 times we play one of these houses .
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